Blast from the Past

Eleven months ago readers were inundated with stories of breakup woes. Prepare for a flashback…

Last night I was telling Boyfriend of my passion for acting. Recent events have sparked a burst of creativity and my need for show-lights has come back stronger than ever. I was throwing out random ideas on how to change the course of my career and focus on acting when tension began to grow. Naturally, I tried to drop the subject. He insisted I should follow my dream. He stated his case by telling me I was talented and it would be wasteful not to find every opportunity I could to showcase that talent. He had dreams, too, he said, and he wanted to follow those dreams. He wants to start his own company and he says it will require every moment of spare time and every dime of extra money. I knew exactly what he was saying. I became instantly withdrawn and headed for bed. He offered to help turn out the lights, but was quickly declined. I wasn’t interested in help from a man who didn’t want me.

We headed into the bedroom and slipped under the covers, laying there with the blankets drawn over my head. He laid next to me rubbing my arms, my legs, kissing my forehead. On any other night I would have been giggly and equally affectionate. Instead I continued to lay under the covers, cold. I didn’t know what to do. If I opened my eyes and looked at him I would be crying as I am now. I don’t want to cry over him anymore. I don’t want to hurt over him anymore. But I do. I can’t help it. I love him. I’m not ready to lose him. But I wasn’t ready to lose him last year either, and look where it has led me.

I called him this morning to see if we could get together. I don’t know why. I know I can’t change his mind. But I don’t want to spend the weekend apart when last night was so horrible. I called Mooskers to see if we were still having girl’s night. Predictably, it had been cancelled. So as soon as I got the clear from her I called Boyfriend to check out his plans for the evening. I was greeted with the same lack of affection as I had given him when he offered to turn out the lights. Apparently I dole out very bitter medicine. He said he’d gotten the note I left on his brief case, but had been reluctant to call me because he ‘didn’t want to get into it.’ I told him I had no intentions of starting anything. I just wanted to see if he was free for the evening since my girl’s night had been cancelled. He continued on about how he didn’t feel like fighting until it got to the point that we were fighting about not fighting.

One day I will learn how to have a functional relationship.

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Oh wow! I’m sorry honey! *hugs* And if you ever figure out how to have a functional relationship, please let me know! I’m 33 and still haven’t figured it out yet! *sigh* 😉

April 14, 2005
April 14, 2005
April 14, 2005

*hug* I’m sorry that sucks.

I wish I lived closer so I could try to help you out.

*huggs girl*

No .. I am home from work and its Friday. So it is time for the weekend. *S* I will be having a nap very soon .. too bad you won’t be here. That would be so nice, to be cuddled up to you right about now. Oh and you little pic on your note. It looked like my penis between your beautiful breasts. I dont know maybe I am horny today. Hope you have a great weekend and I should have time to write soon.

April 26, 2005

Awww. That sucks. I started reading some of your entries and your diary seems really cool, but this entry made me sad. 🙁 I hope things get better.

April 26, 2005

*Sigh* Ahh what a mess you’ve gotten yourself into here… I know you were just testing him when you started all of this, hoping he’d say the magic words, but unfortunately the scene didn’t happen the way you meant for it to, and now it’s escalated out of control… After reading this definitely do NOT send him the letter you wrote.. Reword it.. YOU took what he was saying wrong. YOU assumed he

April 26, 2005

was saying he didn’t want to be together any more.. YOU were cold towards him. He probably realized after that that he’s sick of your moodiness.. I’m not saying that you didn’t have every right not to feel the way you felt- I would have taken it the same way you did.. I swear, watching you deal with your boy reminds me of every day with mine.. But it’s because I do the same things you do that I

April 26, 2005

can see what’s happening.. I know the pattern and I know the outcome.. And it SUCKS when you drift so far apart after one of these things that you end up getting to the point of what’s in your NEXT entry… But I’m telling you, chicky, if you really want to save things it has to be a note which is short and sweet.. “Hi, I love you, I’m sorry for being so moody. Let’s just drop this and go back to

April 26, 2005

normal”.. Because ANY conversation you have on the subject will end up in a “you said-you said” fight.. And do you even want to fight about what happened?? Why not just accept that he loves you and move on from it??