Crap! I’m 60

I dreaded hitting age 60.  I knew in the back of my mind that everything would actually be the same and this was just a fear.

Four days before my 60th birthday I developed my first siatica problem . . . big time pain for no apparent reason.  Then days after that birthday my right knee began to give out.  The timing for this could not have been worse.

Almost simultaneously I began “observing” other generations and dwelling on the fact that I was once that age, I “should” be that age, how in heck can I be 60?!

Then I realized that things from my teenage years were considered “vintage”.  That hurt.

Now I observe coworkers in their 20’s who are ruling the roost . . . thinking that they know everything about everything and having the confidence needed to keep them moving up the ladder.  They haven’t been married yet, had babies yet, had grandbabies yet, lost a parent yet, dealt with so many experiences.

Here I sit, observing as my siatica and leg hurt me.

I wobble as I walk. I don’t recognize the person in the mirror.  I wonder how 20 year olds will never realize how pretty and in shape they are as they live life at that moment.

Deep thoughts seem to continue to float inside of the 60 year old me.

I need to rest now.

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December 20, 2023

It is a Blessing to be able to live as long as 60 years and even more GOD Blessed

December 20, 2023

Sciatica sucks big time – mine was so bad that I went to the hospital and begged them to saw off my leg. There were days when I could barely walk across the street; so bad that I could only walk 10 steps without having to squat down to stretch out my back so that I could walk another 10 steps. I hope yours passes quickly.

December 20, 2023

I’ll be joining you next month in the 60s club and hear you. I’m fighting back as best I can but lately have been thinking of things I will never do or accomplish rather than a bucket list of what I still want to do. Sad.

December 21, 2023

I’m only 34. I am proud of the man that I am and working towards the man that I am becoming. I still have so much to experience. I always wonder what I will look like when I am older and wiser. I made a promise to myself to always stay learning.

So far, I have no pains in my body. Never experienced an injury. Never had to go to the hospital. My dog and my job keep me active. All of those will be new experiences for me and I wonder how it will shape my body and mind cause it will happen at some point. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger gets old.