argh! another month-and-a-bit!

Random Thought Of The Entry:  I’m just really grateful to be Jake 2.0.

Living with the brain that I’ve got requires a whole orchestra of little systems.

These systems started off way back in the early days of brain injury just making sure I actually got to a toilet, and now they move like waves throughout my life relatively effortlessly because my brain thrives in a system.

I don’t even know what I’m trying to talk about, so let’s just keep typing, okay?

Life has been pretty stellar.  This isn’t an unusual thing for me to write in this here online diary, as all of you lovely readers would know.  I’ve been seriously good at kicking the dish-ass, as always.  Things at work feel like I’m the employee who’s been there the longest (which, besides Barb, Russ, and Laurie, is scarily true), and I am for sure the only one currently working there who actually cares if the dishes get washed properly and put away in the right spots.  Though I worked today (a Sunday) and they seemed to hire a new girl who will be taking over the Sunday dishwashing while also learning how to waitress and just become another piece of the little restaurant machine.

Ashley!  Oh, my beautiful daughter.  She continues to be a glimmering light of a child.  She can identify at least 20 letters of the alphabet, which really blows my mind ’cause she’s only 16 months old.  She actively requests things and has little "conversations" with us to get what she wants.  She’s affectionate and sweet with her love of giving us kisses and hugs and pats on the back.  She’s getting very good at saying "please," too.  I’m just so lucky to be her dad, and to have her as my daughter.

I’m not sure I have that much more to talk about.  Life these days is all about family and work, and I don’t have anything to complain about or over-analyze.  Not that I really did all that much analysis in this space anyway, but you know.

I got all my head-hairs cut yesterday.  I’m sporting a basic crew cut, really close on the sides, and just the slightest bit longer on the top even though I’m going bald.  It’s the most comfortable haircut I’ve ever had, and I feel like it makes my face resonate with the rest of my body.

Oh yeah!  I did lose all the weight that I gained while we were in Australia over the holidays last year, plus a little bit more by now.  I’m still going to eat my salads at work all week ’cause it makes me feel good, indulging will be for special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, family get-togethers).  I’m not even really missing the omelettes and stuff on Fridays.  It’s been wicked hot here lately so I haven’t been able to take Ashley for walks, so I’m hoping this bit of a cool change we’ve got going on now holds up through the afternoon sun tomorrow, ’cause I love walking with Ashley in her stroller after work.  It clears my head and makes me focus on what’s really important.


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June 30, 2013

We are meant to have fucking thunderstorms for the next four fucking days. Fuck. I like when you guys go for a walk, it gives me a half hour to do whatever the fuck I want to do, and that is fucking awesome. Sorry for the language, I’m just feeling like casually swearing.

June 30, 2013

We’ve been coasting by at at least 107* for the last couple weeks. today, we got up to 111*. yikes! anyway, glad you’re doing well. as always, I appreciate the notes. LOVE Sezura’s note above LOL. ~♥~

July 1, 2013

Ashley is such a clever little girl. You are lucky to be her dad. And she is lucky to be your daughter. She has the confidence of a child who is secure in the knowledge that she is adored and special. *giant hugs*

July 1, 2013

Everything sounds great 🙂 I love when life is nice and relaxed!

July 5, 2013

Lainey also has excellent verbal skills. I hope to see her this weekend so I’ll have to see if she knows any of her alphabet. Good job with the weight loss. I gained 3 on vacation and got it off in a week. I just need to work on not gaining on vacation.

I love reading about how much you love your daughter 🙂 It’s so sweet, and you’re both very lucky!

RYN: A lot of episodes and clips are on YouTube, if you need a fix. =)