He’s Nuts, Plain and Simple

OMG, you think it stopped?…………….Think again.

By the time I got to bed (about 12:00), it started again. this timeover the clock/CD/alarm player in our bedroom. We both have some form of a clock/radio, etc by our dressers. His is right next to his side of the bed and he uses it to wake him up in the AM. Mine is in a corner of my bedroom up near the ceiling on a high bookcase. I never got around to changing the time when the clocks were turned, BUT it doesn’t bother me and I never think about it. It is HIGH near the ceilng and I rarely look at it, plus I am short and I have a stack of books in front of the bookcase that I have to sort, so I can;t really reach the darn thing right now, so it never got changed. Well, that set him off, and then he said since I can’t do a simple thing like change the clock he is going to take over my "better" CD/radio/arlarm clock. I just walked out of the room to avoid getting into a major fight over a stupid clock. HE took it.

This moring he woke me to yell about the McAfee virus protection on HIS computer. Noone else uses the damn thing BUT HIM. So I try to be nice and help him look for the CD so we can reinstall. Couldn’t find it. So I try and log on to the account, BUT when I did, it said it had lapsed. So now, he is demanind the password for the account and I won;t give it to him (stupidly, I used a password that I use for my AOL account) (not to worry though, I changed it later on). SO then I say, but "we used Stephen’s email account for this computer what is the password you set up" Wrong thing to day. next thing I know he wakes up the kids yelling and screaming about the CD, then he pulls the cable modem and tell them they can no longer go online. SO I quietly go about finding out what password HE used to set up the account with Mcafee with and GET IT. So I go online on his computer and start working in verifying all our info. Britt comes to me with papers and says does this help. It was a printout of all the info I just spent over a half hour trying to get. Seems she found it, gave it to hubby and he yelled at her & said it wasn’t any good. When I was sone I told hubby what I did and showed him the same papers Britt did and his comment………."Oh, I thought this was old." I TOLD him to look for info under Stephen’s name……………he didn;t listen. SO yes, the kids got the computer modem back and he has the nerve to say Oh thanks, and wants me to kiss him……………What is is problem?  Later on he comes up to me, all nice and sweet and says I love you, only you, lets  not fight and ruin the holiday……….. So…who am I lilving with now? he said I should know that he just blows up and it doesn’t mean anything and I should forget it. Forget him saying  F*uck you to me in front of the kids and his mother………I think NOT. SO he corners me in the kitchen with this and I just look at him with tears in my eyes and push him away. he follows me up to the bedroom, and now he’s upset and he’s hugging me telling me how much he loves me, how he can;t imagine life w/o me and he will always love me…………and he’s crying.  Maybe I am a B*itch, but I just clenched my fists and stayed real still. then he says "Ok enugh of the mush", and walks away. And then I cried again. Cause he just doesn’t get it. he can’t or won’t see the pain he’s caused has lasting effects.

Gotta go, he’s now in a good mood and wants to go shopping. He’s buying Daughter a cell phone………??????

Log in to write a note

he sounds very unstable. it must be very difficult for you. i hope you do whatever you need to do to create a loving and safe environment for you and your children. i hope you find happiness.

November 25, 2005

I may be overstepping my boundaries by saying this but I truely think he needs professional help. Take care of yourself…don’t let him drag you down.

November 25, 2005

Well, ride with him during the fun times…and good that the daughter is getting a cell phone…men are such children…don’t forget that.

You’re right. He needs help. Take care of you and yours, gal.

November 26, 2005

You’ve been tagged. You can get instructions by reading my last entry. 🙂

November 27, 2005

Darn I was going to tag you. Oh well, I can tag someone else too 🙂

December 2, 2005

Aloha nui loa… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ just drifting by ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ryn: I thought of bringing a book with me… but only after I sat down on the bench (smiles)… Next time…! Smiles/Peace/Joy………………..

December 7, 2005

Thank you for your lovely note.. You dont have to write personal things in a blank journal often I just like to write down quotes and stuff that I like… Your guy certainly sounds like he needs some kind of anger management course or something.. I am sorry you have to put up with that kind of treatment.

December 8, 2005

Hi, saw your note to Alexandria about using your garage as a refrigerator. We do too!! It really frees up the space in the frig. Happy Holidays!!

December 8, 2005

Yeah, he does sound unstable. I feel for you. RYN, *I* wanted to put the turkey in the garage. *HE* said to put it out back. That’s a whole nother story, lol!! But I’m not blaming, because I didn’t think critters would get it, either. hugs,

December 8, 2005

This moring he woke me to yell about the McAfee virus protection on HIS computer *laffs* I can sooooooooooo relate… in a HUGE way… Lynx pulls stuff like that with me, too. 😐 ryn: take the camera! 😀 and woohoo on Wicked… I hope yall like it. 🙂

just been busy and would end up writing about the same thing over and over. What have you been up to. I see you havent updated in a long time!