Thanksgiving Day

SO, it’s now 7:30 in the evening, the second load of dishes are just about done, the third round waiting in the sink…lol. Just another wonderful fun night in our house. yep, we just couldn’t make it without some kind of blow up. I am so sick of all the drama and yelling that goes on in this house. I truly do not know how much longer I can stay here and still keep my sanity.

It started out just fine, MIL came early, (she always comes early, wants us to eat dinner early so she can get home before dark, but I just can’t eat a big meal at 1:00). Anyway, she made the sausage stuffing, which was good, but she didn’t know that I had gone to the Amish Market and bought the cranberry, apple sausage and made some too (I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I hid mine when it came out of the oven and just put some on my plate and served hers). She also bought desserts, from Mendokers (those who live in central NJ, know how good they are…mmmm mmmm). I made the "secret" stuffing, a turkey, bought a ham from Heavenly Ham, made mashed potato pie, string beans almondine, corn, crescent rolls, put out black olives and green ones too. And had rye bread from Mendokers too. So dinner wasn’t quite ready at 4:00, so hubs was in a dither (it was ready and on the table, ALL of it, by 4:30). So we sit down and I say a small blessing and add that I am very grateful that Michael was here this year to celebrate with us after his horrendous accident this past July, then did the traditional blessing too, which everyone EXCEPT my daughter pretty much ignored. So on to dinner, having fun. laughing, enjoying each other’s company. My older son was talking about his meal plan at school and how messed up it was, esp. for athletes, the cafeteria closes while they are at practice and then they have no place to eat. We pay for a meal plan and he has to go to certain places on campus to eat. As we were talking about hubs was getting mad and demanding to know why he didn’t know about it in the from the start, Chris was saying that a letter came home here and we (me & him) picked this meal plan, so hubs was getting upset and we weren’t sure why, then that little light bulb went off in my head and I said, "so what you are getting at is why didn’t we know what the hours of the cafeteria were?’ His response was F*uck You and he stormed away from the table. Yes, in front of his mother…..nice guy…. The kids were all stunned at just sat there looking at each other, then Chris says, "Wow, that was the first time he’s ever walked away, usually he just stays and yells some more. So we finished our dinner and did the dishes. Later on during dessert I asked the kids to let me take pics of them and they got really silly and started wrestling with each other. I got the pics and then they continued the wrestling downstairs, where the F bomb was being thrown around, so I yelled to stop cursing and again he yells at me, and says it is all my fault that they are fighting now (wrestling), and I should just shut the hell up because, you guessed it, IT WAS ALL MY FAULT.

Guess what?, as I type this, he came in screaming at me that I was wrong to embarrass him in front of his family by not letting his finish what he was saying and talking for me. And I thought I was just finally "getting" what he was saying and was trying to avoid his anger to escalate into a brawl…..silly me. After he was done yelling and screaming at me for 5 minutes, he went into another room. He was so loud and nasty, then when he finally quieted down, the kids came running from whatever room they were in  to make sure I was OK. I refused to get into it with him though, and let him yell. When he was done, I said, "So that’s why I deserve be cursed at like you did by telling me to F*uck Off," His answer…….YES!!! He then came back into the kitchen where I am and continued on about how I let the kids all have a little wine cooler with dinner.  Now, he thought NOTHING of handing our son a beer earlier, yet I’m wrong now? GO figure. Again I said nothing.  Then I heard the TV on in the living room and Survivor was on, so I went in to watch it, he acted all nice and says, "Oh you’re watching TV with me and then kept talking to me about the show. Nope, didn’t get into that one either.

He makes me sick!! Plain and simple. I have got to get a job and really start saving money.  He is going to drive me crazy…. Last night, we were talking in the kitchen (actually, he was yelling at me for something) and the dog was annoying him jumping around looking for food, he got mad and kicked the dog away from him (he says with the side of his foot), only problem was, when he did, he sent the dog flying into ME and this 55 lb dog, slammed into my ankle, which caused it to turn or twist, or something…all I know is I haven’t been able to put much pressure on it, it hurts really bad and it’s swollen…it feels sprained. And when it happened, he stood there as I cried in pain and did nothing….not  damn thing. Just had a sneer on his face and then said, I didn’t touch you. No, he didn’t, but if he had is anger under control, he wouldn’t have kicked the dog into me. 

I truly cannot stand him. he makes me sick……………………and I can’t talk to my family and my best friend hates him so I can’t talk to her either………….so I will vent here and let it go………………..

Thanks for listening to my rambling….

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This pains me to read this… your situation sounds very similar to my parents’ situation, and sometimes similar to my own situation, which scares me – I am sorry that your hubby had to blow up about such a silly thing, but why didn’t his mom beat him over the head? Whenever my hubby acts like an idiot, and we are around his parents (rarely), it baffles me that the parents just let it go.

cont’d. When I am at my parents’ house, both of whom I love dearly, faults and all… I stick up for whichever one needs sticking up for. I never used to be like that, but as I’ve gotten older, I figure someone needs to set them straight. I think they respect me more for it, but I am probably lucky that they haven’t bopped me upside the head!! Your sausage/cranberry stuff sounds mmm mm.:)

November 25, 2005

Terrible…his behavior was simply terrible. Didn’t his mother say anything about how he behaved?? My ex (we divorced in 81) was a major asshole and I have never forgiven him. You are right, get a job, save money, and put yourself in a place where you can have a better life without that kind of abuse. My thoughts are with you.

i’m so very sorry. (((hugs)))

November 25, 2005

I think you know how I feel about it already. *HUGS*