I Heart Hart of Dixie

A few months ago, I was reading the comments on a post on the Gilmore Girls FB page that I am in and someone had commented that they compared Hart of Dixie to Gilmore Girls. At this point, I had never watched Hart of Dixie. I had scrolled by it on Netflix, but had never actually sat down and tried to watch it. So, upon reading this comment, I decided to watch it. Now here I am, almost halfway through season three and loving this show! I can’t believe it only had four seasons. I tried to google the reason for the shows cancellation and basically all I found was the channel it was on may have decided to cancel it due to low ratings. I’m thinking, is the fourth season really bad or something? Because this show really is great with its small town charm the same way people who love Gilmore Girls love the people of Stars Hollow. It’s kind of sad to know I’m already more than halfway through this show. At this point, I’m not sure who I feel like Zoe should be with either. No spoilers for anyone who hasn’t watched it.

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