It’s been 2 years!

Honestly, I totally forgot about Open Diary. Shame on me!


So much has happened in the passed 2 years! First off, I have moved in with my boyfriend John. 🙂 Leaving my parents was a really awful day. I suppose I should explain that first…


My parents told me they would be moving to another town around the end of June. Well, I was supposed to be going to visit my best friend in Georgia for her birthday on the 28th (the day before the move) so I basically had to make a decision.

I could move in with John, keep my job and stay in the area where I had spent the last 9 years of my life, or I could move with them and start all over when I came back from Georgia a week later.

I decided I wanted to stay with John. I didn’t want to lose him and I knew there was no way he and I could stay together if I moved with my parents to another city.

The day I left was a very hard day for me. The night before was even worse. That night my parents called me into the living room to discuss what I was going to do.
I had been packing all night.

I wish I could remember all the words that were said just so you all could catch how terrible the fight was. I’m happy that I can’t though, everything that was said really hurt us all.
I basically told them I couldn’t handle living with them anymore because I felt angry every time I came home. I felt like the air between them and everything they were struggling with was suffocating me.
I felt like I had to get out.

We fought. We cried. We screamed. And the next morning my mom was gone, John was there with his mom and my friend, and my dad was on the phone the whole time we were carting boxes of my things into cars and driving away.
I left the very next morning to Georgia.

It took days after I came back before I spoke to either of my parents again. My dad ended up telling me that my mom came home the day I left and just cried for the next few days. It was hard to hear. And  I missed them. I missed them so much. To this day I still miss them. I don’t miss their arguments, frustrations and tears – but I do miss them. Sometimes I wish I lived closer to them. Just because there are days when seeing them would mean so much.

They never moved by the way. So in the end, I moved out for no reason.
I wouldn’t have left had they not told me they were leaving towns. I would have kept my feelings to myself, stayed with mommy and daddy like a good girl, went out with friends to avoid being home so often and just lived with them until I was ready to leave. Because I wasn’t. Ready.



On a brighter note, I now live with John and we have a wonderful gigantic dog that we love. Oh, we live with his mom too. We can’t afford our own place yet so we’re here until we can.

I’ve done a lot of living since I left my parents. Even went to Vegas for the first time! And saw the Grand Canyon! (See the pic? It snowed the next day! AT THE GRAND CANYON! It was beautiful!)

Needless to say, I’m happy with John. Sometimes I get stressed out because of finances but these days, who isn’t?

Anyhow, hopefully I’ll be going back to school next semester and we can get more income when I get a bangin job. He’s waiting tables and I’m a manager at a small salon near my parents’ place. We live a simple life and we love each other. I’d say I’m happy. Which is all I wanted…

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July 8, 2012

Happiness is the main thing.xxxxxxx

July 8, 2012

we all gotta move on at some point.

July 8, 2012

Welcome back!