Again with the idiocy! Are you kidding me?!

I love my sister to death, don’t get me wrong.

And maybe I just need to back off because – truthfully – in the end it’s her life and she’s the one who has to make the decisions…even if they’re the wrong ones.



My sister married this one guy a handful of years ago and now they have 2 daughters together.

Well, I like the guy…sometimes.


When you accuse my sister of having an affair with my father

(AGAIN. You know, cause that went over well the first time)

…you’re fnckin twisted in the head.

Of course I’m not sure if I fully blame him. I mean, my biological father,

(cause we all know HE’S the brightest crayon in the box)

put it in David’s head that my sister would be after my dad just because apparently my mom left him for my dad.

Which totally didn’t happen! They got together a while after my bio parents divorced!

He’s just jealous cause he’s not worth the sh!t on a poor man’s shoe.




My sister claims she loves the guy. She says that she just wants things to work out with him because they’re married and that’s what married people should do – they should stick through the "thick and thin."


Bull if you ask me.

If the guy calls you a whore, does everything in his power to strip you of every opportunity to provide a good life for you and  your children, snorts cocaine on the kitchen table in front of your 1 year old, drives y’all around while he’s drunk, and literally has someone WATCHING OVER YOU to make sure you aren’t talking to the man you’re supposedly sleeping with…

You should definitely stay with him, right?


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.


What makes me crazy the most, is that she knows it’s all wrong for her.

You can see it in her eyes.

She’s trying so hard to fool herself that it might actually be working.

How do I make her realize that what she’s doing is going to hurt her girls in the long run?

What good is the man if all he ever did was donate the sperm?

Yeah…sperm donors…aren’t fathers.


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July 14, 2010

That’s really sketchy. It’s frightening how easy it is to milk out a little semen and make a baby!

July 14, 2010

RYN: I want Coca-Cola to make more of this particular kind of pop… I am gonna take the box to the local bottler. Stingy bitches.

August 11, 2010

i just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my songs, nd i am planning on actually making a demo of some of my songs but im still workking on my singing voice nd i dont want to do any recordings untill i fink my voice is good enough lol x

September 27, 2010