Interior Monologue

"God damnit, why do you always have to fucking do this? Why do you always have to fuck things up? You are so bad…just…fucking ‘worthless. I mean really, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why can’t you just do this like everyone else? Why do you have to be so god damned fucking clumsy? Why do you have to be so worthless? Look, look at that, see, you spilled that all over the fucking place. Good fucking job, real fucking smart. I hope your god damned proud of yourself. See, you just knocked over 2 more things trying to pick up the first one. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can’t you do anything right? Even the simplest, smallest, easiest thing in the world to accomplish and you fuck it all up. Jesus…I get so fucking sick of you…"

"What the fuck are you doing? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? Why do you have to do that? Really? Seriously? What the fuck are you doing…you stupid bitch…you stupid, worthless fucking piece of shit. I don’t even know why I bother with you, you’re obviously never going to amount to anything, not the way you are now, but are you willing to change it? No, of course not, cause your a fat, lazy fucking bitch who expects the world to cater to her. Got news for you baby, the world doesn’t give two shits about you or your so called problems so why don’t you buck the fuck up and shut your fucking mouth and deal with it. Stupid god damned cunt…’"

"Look at this, just LOOK AT THIS! Do you see what you’ve done?!? Don’t you see? Don’t you see how you fucked it up? Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck is the matter with you? Can’t you do anything right? Can’t you accomplish one tiny, insignificant task? I mean how hard is it? Millions of people do it all the time, what the fuck is wrong with you? Look at yourself, you disgusting pig. Look at that nasty thing in the mirror, those sunken eyes, the limp hair, the fat hanging off you in globs. You’re lucky someone hasn’t mistaken you for something on the way to a slaughter house and put you on a truck. Look, look, did you see that guy? He looked at you…he’s disgusted, and I don’t fucking blame him. I would be disgusted if I saw you walking down the street, you’re revolting. You have no right to be out here with the normal people in the normal world doing normal things. You don’t fit here. Why do you keep trying? You don’t fucking belong here, go crawl back under the rock you came out from. Go, just go…nobody wants you here."

"I can’t believe you just fucking did that. That was so god damned stupid, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you always have to be so fucking stupid? Why can’t you just think for once, use your fucking head for once? Seriously, I don’t even know what to do with you anymore. You should just give up. Seriously. Give up. Don’t even try, it’s not fucking worth it. You really think you’re going to make something of yourself ? You really think that you’re going to be somebody? You really think that one day you’re going to matter? You’re not…you’re not going to get anywhere, you’re not going to be anything. You’re going to be the same exact thing that you are now, worthless, useless and a fucking freak. Did you really think that was ever going to change? Did you think that as you got older the freak would go away? Oh no, it’s here to stay, forever and ever until the day you get off this shitty little planet. And baby, that day the world will celebrate because you’ll no longer being here using up their oxygen and space. You should just give it up…you’re never gonna make it. Just give it up, there’s no point in even trying anymore, you know that. You’ve tried before and failed, what makes you think this time is going to be any different? You can’t fucking do anything right so just Give It Up. I’m so fucking sick of you…."





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May 29, 2010

We all have our inner demon’s to face… Our fears… Our emotions… Our physique… Our health… There will always be moments when we are in doubt about ourself… That cant be helped… Though we dont need to surrender to that… We can dream … and we can chase those dreams.. We can make them happen if we try… We can fulfll those dreams…

May 29, 2010

Thought it is not that easy as i make it sound… It will be arduos.. It will be painful.. and there will be time when you want to give in to those moment of weaknesses… Though if you do it… If you chase your dreams… If you achieve those dreams… You will have peace… You will have tranquility… and most of all you have faced your inner demon’s and won…