[x] First survey in new place

 Did you have a sandbox growing up? What did you usually do in there?
No I didn’t, but I remember there was one in Reception that I loved.
If you were a surfer, how many surfboards would you probably own?
Haha, an array.
How is the current situation between you and your mother?
It’s the same, I guess, fine. 
Who in your family checks the mail more often?
I don’t live with my family, so.
Do you have a half-brother? If so, what kind of personality does he have?
What was the reason for when you last used a wrench?
I don’t think I ever have.
Are you studying astronomy? If so, what makes it interesting?
No but I am interested in astronomy… I just find such unexplained things fascinating.
Do you think there are moral patterns in wealthy families?
‘Moral patterns’? No.
How low was your last mathematics test mark?
I cannot remember my last Maths test, thankfully.
What do you think of the name Viola?
I don’t like it, it just reminds me of violin.
Would you skin an otter for five million dollars? Why or why not?
Yeah, I could do a lot with that money.
Do you know the periodic symbol for Tin?
If you eat them, what do you usually like on a croissant?
I like chocolate ones only.
If you were forced to be a teacher, which subject would you teach?
English and/or Psychology.
Do you drink wine? If so, what brand or flavor do you enjoy the most?
Yes, I love pretty much all (decent) wine.
What do you think of locusts?
Have you ever been to syracuse, new york?:
What’s something that’s very important to you? (not a person):
What do you seem to be addicted to at the moment?:
What would you say your mood has been like today?:
Pretty good.
What made you feel that way?:
I have just moved and unpacked, everything has gone well… I’m happy to be here and to have left my previous town/job.
Are you currently missing someone?:
Not actively but sure.
What would you like to say to them?:
Call me.
What is the time where you are?:
Do you still live in the same town you were born in?:
If any, how many siblings do you have?:
What about cousins?:
About 50… it’s crazy.
Would you rather live in the city or country?:
Are you a shopaholic?:
Kind of.
Can you whistle?:
Snap your fingers?:
No… why can’t I do these basic things?
Do you look more like your mom or dad?:
Hard to say, I don’t look especially like either.
What’s something that can always make you sad?:
Horribleness in general.
What’s something that can always make you smile/laugh?:
A lot of things, it’s not difficult.
Are you a light or heavy sleeper?:
Do you have to have a light or the tv on to sleep?:
Have you or are you going to see the Conjuring?:
No it looks awful.
What’s your favorite scary movie?:
The Shining.
What’s your favorite comedy movie?:
Oh I’m not sure.
Who do you find yourself listening to the most? (music wise):
It varies.
Are you happy with the direction your life is going?:
Yeah definitely.
Who is someone that has influenced you for the better?:
I would say all my friends have, in some way.
What do you find yourself doing most weekends?:
It depends… travelling, seeing friends, having people over, going out, relaxing, eating, etc.
Do you not like answering political questions?:
I don’t mind.
Do you like to keep things private or are you more open?:
I’m very open but there are a few things I keep more private.
Is there someone you really don’t like?:
Why’s that?:
Some people aren’t worthy of positive regard.
What is one thing you wish was different about you?:
Just one thing… I’m not sure. I’d like to have perfect teeth…
What’s one thing that you absolutely love about yourself?:
I’m very independent/self reliant… and self motivated/passionate.
Do you attend a gym or work out regularly?:
Do you like where you work?:
I start on Monday, ahh. I hope so.
Or do you have bitchy co-workers/asshole boss?:
My previous job, which I have just left, was overrun by passive aggressive co-workers. The kind that smile to your face whilst stabbing you in the back. The manager was just a weak, pathetic embarrassment. It was draining to be around such weak, unprofessional people.
Where do you wish to be in life in 10 years?:
Happy and successful.
What is your goal for the rest of the year?:
Lose more weight, apply for the Doctorate, meet more people in this city, have FUN. 
Who do you wish you would never see again? Why? 
Various people who add nothing positive to my life.
Who have you hurt the most so far in your life? What did you do to them? 
I would guess two previous boyfriends, although that could be wrong. The first… I was just young and angry, he got caught in the chaos that was my life at the time. The second… the relationship was toxic, although more of the fault lies with him, he was still hurt.
When was the last time you received flowers? What were they for? 
I think it was the year before last for no particular reason.
What’s the greatest personal challenge you faced? How did it change you? 
Just overcoming various things that have happened to me… I like to think I’m a more resilient and open minded person. Although I am probably aloof and fiercely independent as a result also.
What was the first movie you can remember seeing at the cinema? 
I’m really not sure.
Have you ever been physically or mentally abused? How did it affect you? 
My boyfriend is extremely mentally abusive. He just doesn’t realize it… Baby dad was also quite abusive, phycologically, sexually, emotionally. No one is perfect. People have issues and obstacles and they don’t always realize how they treat people. "Abuse" is just another fucking tool for women to use as power over men. Like marriage. Good grief. I’m so glad I’m not a dude. And I’m so glad I’m not a vindictive bitch either. << Wow, the ignorance here is just stunning. This person blatantly has a personality disorder, I’ve been reading her surveys for years. Anyway – yes both. It probably has impacted upon my career choice and my personality in general, I think I have more of a ‘survivor’ than ‘victim’ mentality.
Do you consider yourself a vengeful person? If so, why’d you think that is? 
Haha… somewhat. I try not to be, but when terrible and unjust things happen it’s hard not to feel vengeful.
Have you ever been in a physical fight? What started it? 
Yeah, various things.
What makes you mad beyond anything else? What is your reaction to it? 
People being treated badly I guess, my reaction varies.
What one quality do you have that you are proud of? 
I’m courageous.
What one quality do you have that you are ashamed of? 
I’m hedonistic.
What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told? 
I’m unsure.
When have you felt the most proud of yourself? For what reason?
A couple of years ago, I realised that I’ve came a long way.
Have you ever stolen something? What was it and why did you steal it? 
Yeah when I was younger… sweets and make up! I just wanted to, I guess.
What lessons have you learnt the hard way? 
General life lessons.
Which of your personal beliefs would you never compromise? 
I wouldn’t actively betray someone I cared about.
Have you ever spied on someone? For what reason and what did you find? 
Well yeah but not…seriously.
Have you ever been arrested? 
Have you ever experimented with drugs? Which type and what happened?
Yeah, various, a lot happened.
What is one mistake you’ve made that nobody will let you forget? 
Probably the whole computer hacking fiasco.
How about the one mistake that you wont let someone else forget? 
Christine sleeping face down on a public toilet floor in Barcelona is the most recent.
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done whilst drunk? 
Just drank far too much and put myself in dangerous situations.
What has been the scariest experience you’ve been through? 
Various abuse, date rape, redundancy, etc.
How often do you cry? What kind of things make you cry? 
Rarely… I guess it tends to be the build up of frustration.
What’s your greatest insecurity? 
Probably aspects of my appearance.
Have you ever been hospitalized? What for?
Yeah, suspected appendicitis.
Do you have a tattoo? If not where would you get it and what of? 
I have no particular desire to get one.

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August 3, 2013

I love your diagnosis of the other survey taker! Good luck with the new job!

August 3, 2013

50 cousins! i can’t even count mine on two hands.