Boy boy…

Why must this family swim in drama? Only time my bro calls is when something is going wrong. I”m sick of THAT shit too. He’s been with his crazy, bipolar ass, demon influenced bitch for years, and all they do is fight. mainly cause she starts shit, yells at him, tries to get him in trouble, all sorts of shit. I tell you what, I will NOT take that on as another thing to worry about. I feel sorry for their kids, and I hate that the only time either of them calls, it’s bad news of some sort. Anyway only thing I’m gonna do is just pray for him and that situation and for him and those kids can get away from that crazy bitch and sorry excuse for a mother. I wish he would have left her alone, but now he’s stuck with 3 kids. He should have left her years ago, but noooo. So then when they fight, they drag my mom into their stressful situation. That girl always tries to get people to feel sorry her, or to believe her lies. I never liked her, and I’ve had to refrain from telling her ass off. Not my issue tho, he’s made stupid choices when it comes to her and I can’t take that stress. Just like I can’t take the stress from my mom and sis. I’m not trying to be selfish, but I can’t let their choices stress me out. I wouldn’t expect them to stress out over mine. Yeah I’ve made plenty of dumb choices, but I try not to bring that drama into someone else’s life. I hope that things look up for my bro and those kids, but unless that girl gets better (which i highly doubt), he’s always gonna be dealing with an unnecessary amount of stress. I’ll just pray for better days for him. I hate to see him stress, and I hate the stress it puts on mom. He should have never had kids with that crazy bitch.

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October 23, 2019

As you said, you can’t make other people’s choices for them – but it’s a shame you have to suffer from the halo of stress that that person throws off. Sorry for the situation he is in, but it’s good if you can find ways to separate yourself from it.

October 23, 2019

@thediarymaster thank you. I try to find ways to avoid adding stress to my life