So how’s school, you ask?


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So far so good. I turned in my first assignment for my English class. It wasn’t due until Wednesday, but since I wanted to make sure I had it done on time, plus I had time to spare, I got started on it. I have another for that class, due same day, and I’ll be working on that tomorrow, since I am off work. I was the first to post the first one, but there is other things I have to do, to consider the whole thing complete for week one. I forgot how much I like to write, and I am very critical of my own work, so you better believe i read over that and tweaked it until i was happy with my results. I even ran it by my friend before posting. I’m very happy to say that some of my classmates (these are all online classes) read over it and they really liked it. I haven’t responded yet, as I’ll do that tomorrow when I’m more awake and aware. I mean I COULD now, since I can’t sleep, but I’d much rather just wait til I’ve had rest. I’ve read a few of the other classmates posts, and was quite impressed. So who knows, I may learn to like English class lol.

As for American History, I may learn to like it. It too, has me writing something for my first assignment, this after reading a part of a book (I need to get lol) as well as watching a documentary for at least 35 mins, doing minor research and all before i write. I have read a couple of them from other folks, one I was really impressed with, tho it was short and sweet. The other, while very much informative, wasn’t well written. I’m not English major, or grammar nazi, lol, but it was apparent they did NOT proofread. Thankfully for them, I’m not the teacher lol. Just some things needed to be reworded, or spelled different, or correctly. When I write here, I try to write according to my standards, but at the same time I don’t give as much care as to those sort of things as much. Although I have been known to correct my own entries, after they’re already posted lmao. Here or on facebook, no one really cares, but in the outside (real) world, these types of things matter. I can’t let something I submit to a teacher, be half ass. That’s just not me. There are other factors to this class, like something called inquisitive that we have to use. Apparently you have to have that, and it costs $35 for a year of use. I don’t have $35, so I am currently taking advantage of the 3 week free trial, until I have the money. Hopefully the rest of financial aid will get to me within that time frame and I can use that money to purchase a whole year of use. I like inquisitive tho, and it seems fun, tho it’s actually like 20% of my grade, so I can’t just screw around and not do that. I didn’t do all this to half ass school lol.

The class that seems like it’ll be the most challenging, is the intro to business class. A LOT of work in that one, and what’s more…I have to do a video presentation. Lord….I sure do NOT wanna do that. Although, it’d be better than having to stand in front of a whole class to do this, which if I’m getting a degree in management i might as well get out of my comfort zone with that lmao. First week’s assignments are easier compared to what’s to come, but there is room to move ahead, so if i can I will. There’s supposedly a way I can get the books for this class electronically, I haven’t quite figured out how to use it. So tomorrow I’ll contact the school and find out how to buy the ebooks, or whatever. It was part of a fee charged when I registered and paid for my classes. Thank GOD for financial aid, or i wouldn’t be able to do this. I’ll do the work for the other two classes first, then this one, so I can devote more time to this one, since it has the most to do.

I do have one other class, art appreciation. This class starts in October tho, so I don’t have to worry about that right now. I can at least focus on the 3 that started Friday. It’ll be interesting see how this one  goes. Thankfully this class is only 2 months, as opposed to the 4 months I’ll be doing the 3 classes. All classes for fall end in December, and then on to spring.

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August 20, 2018

Good luck with your classes!

August 20, 2018

@thediarymaster thank you!