To perm or not to perm

lol I like how my hair looks wet when it’s in it’s natural state. Super curly, but looks much shorter than it is. My hair barley goes past my shoulder. It’s a good length though, just uneven. My edges are in crap shape but that’s mainly due to wearing ponytails all the time. I’m trying to get away from doing that, but I suck at doing my hair and that’s the only easy style I can do. Lol I could wear it down, but I have no clue how to do natural styles nor do I have the money to pay someone to do it. Only reason I ever permed  my hair was to make it easier on me to manage style wise. I don’t really have the patience to sit for hours trying to do my own hair. I’m not saying natural hair is hard to manage, it’s easy with the right products. I just am not good at styling lol.

It’s only been about 2 years since I permed, but I’ve been so tempted to go back to it. The natural hair lifestyle is not for everyone, but some people act like perming your hair means you hate the natural way of life or that you’re trying to be what the world comes to feel is beauty with having strait hair. I wasn’t trying to be natural in the first place, I just was too lazy to perm and hadn’t felt like it for quite a while. So I’m thinking of doing this before my trip, just cause I don’t really have the patience to keep doing it everyday to make it look somewhat presentable. I am trying to keep it moisutized and will start using products that help stimulate growth. Soon as I can though, I will pay to get it done.

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