
I just need someone that I can talk to that will listen and not be judgemental. I don’t feel like there’s anyone I can talk to because in the past I just got told to quit complaining about my problems or to suck it up or to quit being so dramatic,  etc. My sister made a comment saying how she likes Facebook because then she knows what’s going on in my life. Well, that’s only partly true. Yeah, if I’ve done something with my daughter or gone on a trip or something, but there’s so much I don’t post. There’s so much that I don’t say even in person. How many nights I cry myself to sleep or for how long, how much I feel like I’m a shitty parent because whenever I try to talk about my daughter’s issues with trusted people, their comments make me feel that way, how I have so much going on inside of my head. Here’s to another night of not being able to sleep and just crying to myself.

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June 6, 2021

*hugs* I’m here. 🙂 My name is Sammy btw.