3.10.13 Sirris(ly)

 Saturday morning, I awoke at 4 am with contractions, regular strong contractions. All day long they went on. Stronger and stronger. 

At 5 ish I had a bad burning headache my b/p was high so we went into the hospital. 

I got there to find out I was not dialating at all even after 13+ hours of contractions. I was not effaced, nothing had changed in a week. Quiet discouraging. 

Since I was over 41 weeks at this point, I had 3 options. Induction then, Induction Monday or C/S right then. 

We thoguht since we were there we would try the induction then. 

It was discouraging, to see I had waited to nearly 10 days over due and nothing. 

At 11 pm they started the pitocin, I had to try. In my heart I had to know I had not given up. 

Within minutes my contractions were on top of each other. . 

3 hours later, they checked me again and I had made no progress. Nothing. I was in so much pain at that point, and knew there was something wrong. His heart was not tollerating the pit at all. Not decelerating but was tacky. 180-190’s was where he was staying. 

I knew I had to respect that there was a reason he was not coming down, and not doing anything. 

We agreed to the surgery. 

By this point I was in so much pain it was a welcome relief. 

I had Travis and my doula there. I would like to say that Travis was stunning and wonderful, but no… Not really . He was Travis, and it got on my nerves. He has this I told you so additude, and it really was getting to me. 

Anyways, I have pictures of thesurgery, which I am grateful for. I have no words for it, other than it was better. 




In a way, I wasn’t there, but this was better than Sabastain’s birth by far. 

Recovery not so much. The hosptial has a new computer system, and they lost my pain medication order. It took over 2 hours to find something for me, but by the time they did it was too late to mater. I was in so much pain it was paralyzing. It took 5-6 hours to regain control on the pain. 

Also, because he was a "big" baby they were worried about his blood sugars. Anything over 40 is normal, well they took his and it was 39. They told me they HAD to give him formula. Or send him to the nicu if i refused. 

Well I refused and told them I was going to nurse again. He is a fantastic nurser.I wasn’t about to poision him in his first hour of life with forgein junk in his intestine of any kind. 

I convinced them to let him nurse again and then recheck it and wouldn’t you know, it was perfect then,. 

I am glad I stuck to my instincts there, and didn’t give in. Had it been a lot lower I would have made a different choice.

Once in my room my sister came and helped all day. She was wonderful. 

The kids came, and Samara was so proud, and excited. She is the best big sister! She held him. 

Sarah my SIL who has them said she is telling everyone she is a brand new big sister,and how excited she is too be. 

She loves his name… 

HIs mom and my mom came, and they both brought flowers. I love it! They are loving a new grandbaby.

I am doing much better now than I was. Between the pain and the morphine, I was out of it. Like too tired to take a bite and chew and swallow at the same sittting. 

Much much better now… 

So here he is.

Sirris Danger Green Lion


8lbs 10oz.

20 inches long


He is a fabulous nurser, and so soft and sweet.

He is my double palandrom baby, and I love it!!!

He is also my last baby. 

Today, we are just hanging out. My mom is coming up because she has no aide today. So we will keep each other safe I suppose. 

As for now I need rest. 
























 babyfruit ticker
















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March 11, 2013

Congratulations!!!! Sorry it ended up being the c-section delivery, but so glad all has worked out well in the end. *HUGS*

March 11, 2013

Congrats! Sounds like you make great decisions in intense situations. I tend to shut down when I’m overwhelmed. You and another of my faves both had your babies on the same day!

March 11, 2013


Congrats! he is so cute!

March 11, 2013

Congrats on your sweet little boy. And while his arrival wasn’t exactly what you’d planned, I’m glad it went better this time around. (HUG) I’m glad that you’re doing well… and that he’s an awesome nurser.

March 11, 2013

He is so beautiful! Congratulations 🙂

March 11, 2013

Congtratulations! He is so adorable! 🙂

March 11, 2013

Yay!! Yay!! Yay!! I am so glad he’s here and you’re both ok! What a beautiful blessing! Love!!!

March 11, 2013

I love that his middle name is Danger 🙂 Congrats!! xxxxxxxx

March 11, 2013

Congratulations, he is absolutely perfect, and absolutely beautiful. 🙂

Congratulations! 🙂

March 11, 2013

Congratulations to you and the baby! He looks very healthy!

March 11, 2013

Congrats! He is so adorable!

March 11, 2013

Aww congrats! 🙂 he’s handsome!!

March 11, 2013

Congratulations!! I am glad you stuck to your guns about the nursing. And I am glad the hospital staff listened 🙂 Always a good thing. He’s beautiful!!

March 14, 2013

WOW!!!!!!!! first i have to say my jaw dropped to the floor when i read “they said i HAD to give him formula”. WTF????? Why on earth would that be better that nursing him? I dont care! Thats so rediculous and im SO proud of you for sticking to your guns on that one. So so proud. He is gorgeous. Love the black and white blanket!!

March 16, 2013

Ohhhh wow, so glad everything still went ok for you! 41 weeks is a long time to be pregnant! He was 2oz more than Amalia 😉 Congratulations on another beautiful baby 🙂

March 16, 2013

Oh and awesome job sticking to your guns about breastfeeding!! I hate how they just throw around “We’ll take him if you don’t [do this]”. Like, ok, whose body did he just come out of and how do you get to choose what to do with MY baby? I’m sorry, but I think I birthed him so therefore he is mine. K, thanks! Ugh.