Good Bye, PLease find me

 How do I say goodbye to an old friend such as this? Someone who through the years has shared my hopes, joys, tears and fears, how do I leave someone who knows all my secrects and loves me anyways? 

The simple answer is I can not. My heart aches writing this. I have come to love all of you, and leaving you here like this… How, why?My eyes are welling with tears, how empty and final it all feels. 

I went to prosebox, but I doubt I will write, my heart needs to greive first… I am on facebook, please find me if you read me at all, I will add you just add your user name with the request. I am Tami Booth

Goodbye, Farewell and Amen


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I am at prosebox.

I love you and hope to see you on prose box!

January 27, 2014

🙁 I know… I am aching as well. But, like I said on FB, I plan to be here until I cannot any longer as a final farewell. Perhaps that would help you as well? I am going to write every day that it will allow up until it goes under. Then I will no longer write online. I just can’t. I am glad I have so many of you on FB! Love you. <3 love,

January 28, 2014

*HUGS*…and for now PB will be the place unless we find somewhere easier to use in the future. See you there!

January 28, 2014


You are stronger than you know. The thing you search for is not far away, it’s just around the corner. We are all pulling for you!

February 4, 2014

im on prosebox under the same name, please find me there! i want to read you. You are one of my favorite faves for sure. Be well.