Tis birthday eve

Tis birthday eve, and my day has been weird, in a surreal sorta, what the hell, I will have to process this day for a while sorta way.

First, Holiday shop at school, PTO mom here, umm… I am totally a PTO mom now, and I am up to VP next year, yeah, WTF? I have words about all these things, but a different time.

Second, ALICE drill, (active shooter) at my kids school, with one kid by my side, the one not. too many thoughts.

Third, IEP meeting, HELL

Then grief counseling for myself and kids, and snow, and  never enough time.

It was a weird day, I haven’t eaten all day, so naturally I am binge eating chips and wine, something I rarely allow anymore. I still have things to do before bed, but tonight, Ed is by my side. and that is the sweetest of all things.

Tomorrow will be fabulous, there once was a time, I never thought I would make it past 32, and unless I die in the next 2 hours, look at me baby I made it!

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December 12, 2017

Happy birthday👻!

December 12, 2017

Happy Birthday!! :*)

December 14, 2017

Happy Birthday. I’m 33 in January. I remember being a little kid and asking my mom how old she was and her response was (a true) “33”… I feel so old. So old and barren. lol

February 4, 2018

Would you believe that I’m 32 years and a day older than you, having turned 65 on the same day as your last day to be 32. You have a really interesting diary. I began reading it backwards sometime between ten and now on Sunday night, February 4.