Well baby check-ups

The kids had their well baby appointments this week. They are all so tiny. I make tiny humans it seems. 

Sirris is 6 months 14 pounds, 25 inches, which means he is still practically the same size he was three months ago. He is barely on the charts at all, and on paper it is alarming. However, in person he is a bright eyed, happy healthy little boy who sits up, rolls over, scoots on his belly, babbles, and just smiles so much! He is simply wonderful in person, so all is well with him. 

Sabastian is 2, 29.4 pounds, and 33 inches tall. He is short, but weight wise he is gaining. All he wants to do is eat, I think he never quiet feels full. He is a handful, curious, strong willed, and is making gains. The only thing is now that he is older we are finding out just how severe his sensory disorder is. He is not quiet talking yet, and still is struggling with swallowing. We are working on it, and you know he is simply enthusiastic about life.

Samara is now 6 she is 45 pounds and 45 inches tall. Which means she has gotten slightly taller but has gained no weight. She is getting rounder hips now, and hair, so much hair. She is doing great home schooled, so much better than public school. The difference is like night and day. We are taking her to see a neurologist to find out why she simply does not sleep. 

This week is fair week, and then I am hoping to catch up on my chicago trip. It was wonderful, and I feel like a new person after the break. 

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September 22, 2013

my friends son has sensory disorder and he can’t speak.He also doesn’t sleep 🙁 it’s a hit and miss. They are taking him to the doctor to see if they can do a sleep study on him.

September 22, 2013

Sirris is a little peanut!

September 22, 2013

My daughter is 9 months and is 17 lbs, 10 oz and 25.75 inches. My son is 3 and 28.2 lbs and 35.6 inches.

your three month old sits?! that is amazing! all three sound amazing 🙂 I hope there is improvement soon in speaking a nd sleeping :/

September 23, 2013

Noah was weighed last week at the doctors… at 2 years 3 months old he weights almost 36 lbs!!