Update on my life…

Just a quick update on what’s been going on since the last time I wrote in 2013.

Jimmy and I are still married and celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary on Valentine’s Day. 🙂

Wesley graduated from High School in June, Christopher will graduate in 2019, Amelia will graduate in 2022, and Jocelyn will graduate in 2024.

Amelia has been homeschooled since April of last school year (2016-2017)because of bullying and truancy issues but getting her to be willing to do any work is like pulling teeth. She goes back this coming school year (2018-2019)because Jocelyn will be a 7th grader and I want her to have someone other than Chris there. Chris will be a Senior and he’ll be busy with his own classes and Amelia is only 2 grades ahead of her so she’ll be able to help her a lot more.

We’re still living in the house we moved into in 2010.

I still don’t have my license although Wesley is pretty well on his way to getting his – all he has to do is learn how to park straight. Jimmy lets Wesley drive places (to and from his job)but won’t let me drive anywhere except around the empty school parking lot (which we can’t do now because they’ve got tons of construction going on right now), around the lake nearest us, and around the backroads. He won’t let me hire someone to teach me because it’s “too expensive” and “too far away” yet he won’t teach me either because his teaching style is to just sit there and make you figure it out on your own. I’m going to ask a friend to teach me.

I still knit and have gotten a lot better. I’ve got way too many things I’m working on now but I’m going to be casting on a shawl for my niece (who’s now married and they have identical twin boys)and maybe a shawl for me as well. I should figure out what to knit everyone for Christmas as well.

Anyway, I’m not feeling well so I’m going to go now. *hugs*

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