The Mousepad, Ice Cream and Gods of War….

It has been rather nice here lately despite the weather still a lil below freezing. It’s officially springtime now which is real nice, the snow is melting and the birds are singing outside. It’ll be nice to get out a lil more when it starts to warm up outside despite having arthritis in my left knee. It hampers me some but my new brace will help out some so I can get some fresh air once the ice and snow is gone. There are some painful days but I have my meds to help me out when I need to. Today was a rather good day, I managed to get out and went to Best Buy to get a new mousepad and some Apple earpods that I wanted. My old mousepad was tattered and fraying at the ends but I’ve had that thing for 5-6 years. I won it at a comic convention and it was good to have for so long. I got the Apple earpods because I got sick of having to switch ear to ear when I talked on the phone. Talking handsfree is so much better now and the headphones should last me a long time. After I was done there my niece and I went to go get some ice cream and damn was it good. Gotta love a large soft chocolate ice cream on a waffle cone man, I savoured every bit of that ice cream. I’ll be going back there sometime again soon for sure but I just gotta make sure it’s on a day that isn’t so busy there, it’s the most popular ice cream place in the entire city and usually there’s line ups going down the block and around the corner. I wanted to get the gaming keypad I wanted from Best Buy too but they didn’t have it so now I gotta order it from somewhere else. The one I have is about 5 yrs old now and sometimes the keys don’t respond so well, so I think it’s time to retire this one and get myself a new one. I’m just listening to some music now as I write in here, listening to some classic Def Leppard, hence Gods of War from the Hysteria album…still a good classic album. Wow..another entry in a matter of days, I’m on a roll. This ends here, I will return. Peace.

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