Before I dream…πŸ˜ˆπŸ–€

Hey Beautiful Disasters…

I don’t know who out there needs to hear this….Or how many people it will ever reach…but here you go…I hope it reaches you and helps in some type of way…

It’s never too late to grow, change and learn from the world and from one another. We all fight battles within ourselves and some not so within. Some you may understand, cause you’ve been there but others you may not cause they are not the same battles you have fought/still fightin’ but it does NOT make them any less serious or less important. We fight to live…to stay strong…to survive…to make a change. No matter how small or insignificant we feel it might be…

Just be nice and understandin’…Say hey… Smile…Give a fuckin’ compliment. You never know it could just be the very thing that saves another. At least for that moment. That second. But it may just be enough time for them to see somethin’ beautiful in their tormented souls and disasterous situation’s. It may not change anythin’, but we gotta start somewhere. Do NOT sale yourself short. You hear me? You fuckin’ matter too you are my fam now and I am here…

A Beautiful Disaster…


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