Entry Manager Delete

Hello everybody,

I found out today (from one of our diarists – thanks) that in some cases when entries were being deleted using the Entry Manager, the associated notes were not being deleted.

You would notice this if you, for instance, deleted all of your entries with the Entry Manager, and then made a new entry, and then noticed that your old notes were showing up attached to your new entry. Fun, in an anarchist sort of way, but not cool.

I’ve fixed that so it won’t happen anymore, but if you have noticed symptoms like what I described above in your diary (old notes reappearing), please let me know at problem@opendiaryplus.com.


The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

YAY for diary anarchy! *ehemm* =)

I was wondering where you put your problem addy on the front page where you can find it. The only place I see it now is in your diary.