Reader’s Choice Block

Hello all,

I’ve added a new feature today that I wanted to let you know about – the Reader’s Choice Block.

The point of the RC Block is simple – if you write an entry that you don’t want to appear on Reader’s Choice, you can use the RC Block to prevent it from being nominated by other diarists. After all, we all say things sometimes that the whole world (or at least our corner of it) doesn’t need to hear.

Using the RC Block is easy. You will notice that on the entry editing screen there is a new checkbox (at the bottom to the right of the Notes Type selection). This checkbox is called “Reader’s Choice Block” and will always appear first unchecked. If you want to prevent your entry from being added to RC, just click that box on before you save the entry.

You can also go back when you edit your entry, and turn the RC Block on or off (in case you change your mind).

This is one that’s been on my list to do for awhile, and has been requested by many diarists over the years. I’m glad to finally add it.

The DiaryMaster

Log in to write a note

thank you.

muchas gracias

if an entry is already nominated, can the rc block remove it from rc?


hmm… i dont think ill ever use that… but… good thinking boss man! isabel

I was thinking… we should be able to block regular diary users from our diaries, not just paying members. It’s a little inconvenient not to be able to block people who aren’t paying.

Right on!

great feature. thanks.

I have a recommendation for OD (specifically the +). I would like to leave my front page open to describe myself, but make my entries private (at least to the open public), while allowing “readers” to view normal entries, and select readers to view entries closer to me. In other words, I’d like to see how a tiered privacy system would work…

This is a great idea! I would have never thought of it! Love,

Also, another recommendation that can be more easily worked into than my last one (my previous note on this entry) is the ability for the author of a diary to make a note on that diary private if the writer of the note made it public (but not for the diarist to make a private note public, ensuring the wishes of the note writer).

I love you! Thank you! Was this because of my request?

This new thing you added to diary sounds cool. I checked it out and there is no box I can check or uncheck to use this. Do you know why?

that’s dumb. Why did you put it right next to where you have the private entry box so you don’t have to write it, save it, go back and edit it to block it. geeeeeze

never mind. you did. my apoligy

Excellent! Not that I ever get nominated, plus I’m favs only so I imagine I can’t show up there if I was to get the nod, but hopefully this will keep the RC somewhat drama-free. Thanks.

THANK YOU! a thousand times THANK YOU.

A wonderful idea and something I’ve been hoping for for a long time. Thank you. 🙂