
I’ve felt nauseous all day. I’m think I’m in need of rest. My baby has been whiney the past few nights and woken me up several times. I’ve also had 2 middle of the night panic attacks in the past few days. It’s been awful. Someday I will have a home big enough to have a  room of own. I’ve always wanted a zen room, that’s just peaceful and cozy. A place to read, sit, pray, exercise, anything positive and life giving. I’m working on making time for those things in the chaos of living with in-laws and raising a toddler.  It’s such a horrible time for people to be dying because my body is already wrecked form pregnancy and physically I feel like I’m falling apart. I just hope and pray that today I can get some rest and a peaceful sleep this evening. My emotions always manifest themselves in my body and I’m blind sided by my bodies reactions. I’m gonna take a walk in a bit and get some fresh air. I hope that helps to get me through my day.

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