Happy Cancer Update

Hey Guys! I am behind on updates, so as Hurricane Laura heads this way, I thought I should catch up with all of you before we lose power. We are actually more ready for this hurricane than for any before.

Keith and I are good. We finally got to attend the other two weddings that we were scheduled to attend last spring – both rescheduled to August.

All of the other things we had planned and scheduled have been postponed or canceled. Keith still gets to work (thank goodness!) My job lost funding so I have not been working since Jan 1. We have been slowly de-cluttering our bedroom (much needed!) for the first time in over 25 years. We find treasures. I am not kidding. Treasures!

Where am I on treatment? Well, on Wednesday, Sept 2, I will have my infusion #6 of 13 of the current path I am on. I get these infusions of a monoclonal antibody targeted at only the specific cancer that I have every three weeks. If no more delays happen, this will go on until Jan 27, 2021! That will be my second opportunity (permissioned by my oncologist) to ring that bell.

I have to share with you the love that my cul-de-sac neighbors gave me just after my first bell-ring. That was during Covid isolation. They threw me a “Cinco-de-Mayo-Chemo-Finito” party outside. Keith was instructed to keep me inside until they were ready. They had pinatas for the kids (including the Dads), party hats, TexMex catering food from a local restaurant, and a giant banner with my face as I rang that bell in Covid isolation!

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August 26, 2020

Good for you!! #cancersucks