Half Canadian and half American.. c’est moi!

Last night, I was doing a bit of genealogy work, and I discovered that despite people at the Children’s Aid Society telling me, that my dad was Canadian… he is/was actually born in New York City like Grandma Adeline; his mother. So… I am not a 1/4ths American, I’m half!!

So… yeah. Crazy eh?? Dad was born in either Brooklyn or the Bronx. So, that explains a lot — why I love the Yankees, why I feel like I’m not entirely Canadian… yeah. 🙂

I just watched a mindfuck of a horror movie. It’s called Ouija Deadly Reunion. Just look … wait a sec… here. Watch it, it is relatively short. I loved it. If I had the time, I’d watch it again. In fact, I think I might tonight while Bees is out. RN I feel like napping, but I have work to do. I have to yet do my computer maintenance. I think I might nap for a bit then, tonight before the movie do the work. I just feel like a zombie today. Eurgh…

Well… see you a bit later??


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January 27, 2024

Sounds cool, Sammy. Thanks for the recommendation!

January 28, 2024

@ravdiablo No prob Rav.

January 27, 2024

Those kind of shows scare me. Eek! Haha

January 28, 2024

@thespiritwithinme Its more psychological.

January 28, 2024

Im not big on horror but I’m not against looking at something I’ve never seen. Ill check it out.

January 28, 2024

@d-h I highly recommend it 👌

January 28, 2024

I did a dna test…23 and me…and found out I have a lot of Irish in me.  I thought I was mostly German but I was wrong.

I’m not real big on horror films…will watch one every once in a while.