I needed a place to vent frustrations and blow off steam I suppose. I miss some of those connections I had. I had so many friends, but through various things and time I've lost most of them.

I used to love writing in here during the original site. As it started dying I took my stuff and left. Still have that old diary somewhere as a PDF file on my computer.

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Walking. Kind of.

April 26, 2024
Im pressed for time as company will be here shortly but im allowed to take like 10 to 15 steps a day. Its odd and feels weird but its progress. I gotta go. They just pulled up.
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Recent Entries

  • Feels like longer.
    April 9, 2024
    I can't say I've had anything of note to say but I was surprised to see it had been that long. My foot could finally be healed tomorrow. Walking might be around the corner. Therapy too. But I can't wait for it. Didn't see the eclipse. It was cloudy and rained. I liked the rain.…
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  • Distractions
    March 27, 2024
    That's the name of my days lately. Since my nurse is later today (because of all the snow, ill sum up things) my foot looks fantastic. The bottom of it almost looks human. And the part that I'm waiting on is nearly there We must got 8-10 inches of snow. My knee infection turned into…
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  • If it was a high before…
    March 15, 2024
    It isn't any longer. So I haven't had a chance to write because some less than ideal things have happened. First a comparison if you will. Some may get it, others may not. That's ok. Homer Simpson trying to jump the Springfield gorge. My reference to this is after they got him gurneyed and goes&h...
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  • Looks like.
    March 12, 2024
    Walking might be in my near future. Or at least being able to do small things. A few steps here and there. I actually smiled. Plus, it was like 60 degrees outside too so I actually got to enjoy some of this warmer weather. I felt off when I got home so I took a…
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  • Four Days Later.
    March 4, 2024
    A new week and a warmer sunnier day. February wasn't awful this year. It had to have seen the last 11 months and figured I'd had enough. Its hard go explain it but I'm in a good mood. Im not going to complain either. Last week the doctor mentioned shoes. Like actual shoes. I almost…
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  • Cold.
    March 1, 2024
    Its been cold. With a wind. The two days I've been in bed wondering if I should get out or not. Im not sick or anything but going from 50 to below zero in a day and a half is rough. This February had no incidents, but I'm thinking its because cant really go anywhere.…
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  • Sucked into another Game.
    February 25, 2024
    Its my renewal date today. Odds are ill stick around because of a certain someone and because it lets me vent. Even if unread, it feels good to lighten my load. Still laid up I found myself wasting way too much time on Instagram. So to fix this I found a game to play, which…
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  • Memories.
    February 21, 2024
    So I've got nothing to say about my day (in this case early am) as other than the doctor telling me some good news. I decided to forgo it and tell a story. I admit I like telling stories to people and on more than a few occasions I've been told it's something I'm really…
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  • Nothing Ever Happens.
    February 17, 2024
    My daily life is unremarkable and being laid up means I can't get up to anything interesting or see anyone in that same way. Ill make sure I do my diligence in seeing what goes on with those of you I frequent. I fear I've A lot to catch up on since I stopped getting…
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