
Well.. guess it that time again and I wish you all a grand Christmas. Right now, I am listening to this:

That has  gotta be the best holiday song. Like ever. I grew up with the Beach Boys and the Beatles and all that good stuff.


I got like a faux fur poncho slash blanket… and some stuff like toiletries… something everyone gets in their stocking non?


I’m drinking diet A & W root beer and trying to regulate my body temperature bc I’m as hot as a tamale. I had some samosas and a cinnamon bun from Kimmy’s bakery last night. Tonight we are having ham an turkey with all the fixings. And two massive pumpkin pies for dessert. Yum!!!!


I will have my computer by Wednesday. I am beyond happy.


Happy Holidays you crazy ppl… (jk!)



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December 25, 2023

@ihavenoarms merry Christmas Todd.

December 25, 2023

That’s a great song. I always enjoy the music video too. It’s so playful. Merry Christmas. Hope your bun bun got some extra love today too. 😀

December 26, 2023

@mandeacero I ♥️ the Beach Boys! So youthful and yupp, playful. Ty same to you. He did.

December 26, 2023

Hope you had a Merry Christmas! It sounds like a good time.

December 26, 2023

@darkmadonna it was. 😊