
So I’m the anxious type, I’ve always been that way. I’ve been diagnosed with two anxiety disorders, been on anxiety meds and had many a panic and anxiety attack. I personally feel I do pretty well considering I’m not on meds and have been able to reduce my anxiety levels quite a bit in past years.  I’m still bothered when people play my anxiety attacks off as me just being a baby (people do this with my depression too; doubt its severity). I’m not the type who can just grin and bear it. I need that release when  an attack happens, to stop and take a deep breath, clear my head. If in the middle of a high paced situation, I haven’t that option and, as a result, find myself growing only more anxious. My anxiety attack this morning was not merely brought on by the situation itself, however. I was also dealing with low blood sugar and a lack of sleep. This did not improve once I was out of work, but when I got food in my stomach. Now for the sleep.

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