


Plans are being made, its difficult to think far ahead, but as most of you will know, that time does travel so quickly, and it will be Christmas before you know it.

Without trying, things are just coming up, Brendon got a call a couple of weeks ago from one of his best friends, Russ, who works the mines up in Weipa with Sodexo.  Asking if Brendon was interested in coming up to work a new mine site, 2 weeks on, one week off.  The site doesn’t open till November.

This is currently what Russ is doing, he is one of the kitchen management team and has worked there for almost 10 years,  I know that B would love to work with Russ again, B was concerned about leaving me for 2 weeks, but too be honest, it would probably work out that we would see each other more with him working away then having 7 days off every 2 weeks than if he was, and I was just working a normal job, and coming home every day.  There is no guarantee that we would work similar shifts, chefing shifts are 90% around 10-12 hours a day, and our 2 days off a week (if you get it) wouldn’t likely be the same days either…

I just think that if he was home for 7 days, we would be likely to have better time together, your not going to be called in because your busy, or because someone hasn’t rocked up, your not even going to get phone calls… Russ also asked if I would be interested in becoming a camp supervisor… that position is head chef one week, then taking care of the camp the next… its far beyond what I want my next job to be… I really just want to be a lacky… I know the money will be huge drop, but I just take so much responsibility and stress home from my job, that I don’t want any stress to take home…

I also got offered a job over the tennis open ove jan in Melbourne, same guy that tried to get me last year for work, its 3 weeks work, all expenses paid, running a kitchen team of 15, basically just supervising and leaving with $8,000 after tax… It sound ok… and I love Melb’s, I told him to keep me in mind, I’ll see where I am up to that time of year…

My stressful weekend last week went well with 300 odd golfers in town for Pro Am… Between the 3 of us in the kitchen, we mananged to feed all of them and keep Roger happy… lots of lack of sleep as we started at 5am for breakfast and finished at 10pm plus did our normal service at work for the Friday, Sat & Sunday, but Roger came out with 2 bottle’s of Verve each at the end of the weekend and he was very happy.

Brendon has been super loved up for the past few weeks… generally we are both very lovey and are always loved up… but he has been super… telling me how much I mean to him, talking marriage and the baby plans. Asking me about my preference in engagement rings.
( I’m not very traditional…)

I think that he is really wanting this baby plan to go ahead, and I do to, I plan on getting my implant out next month, but with my age, we can’t guarantee that its going to happen..
Just hope that it will…

I am looking forward to heading back up north, god I miss being warm all the time, I hate having to get out of bed into the chill… I want to roll out of bed and into the pool like I was in Port… no winter clothes in the wardobe…

Anyway, that it for now…


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