can’t wait for the end of this school year

So it has been hit and miss with the teacher. There’s some good days and some bad ones. She brought in pots for the kids and herself to paint them and put flowers in but of course I wasn’t thought of. Then the girl I’ve been talking about she’s very disrespectful to me. She has told me I’m not a teacher so she doesn’t have to listen to me, shut up talking to her. If the teacher asked me a opinion about something she would stop talking you are not part of this conversation. The teacher did nothing. She didn’t write her up she didn’t say we don’t say that just nothing. The teacher claimed she doesn’t want to write her up because she thinks this student gets verbally abused by her mom but if you don’t give her consequences for this kind of thing it’s going to keep happening. So I started out being nice to this student saying please when I ask her to stop doing something. Telling her thank you after she did something but nothing changed. So finally I am to the point where I don’t want to have anything to do with her. Why would I want to have  a conversation with someone who treats me like crap. Yes I get she is a kid but still that is not OK to treat someone who is there to help you like crap. So one day not too long ago we had a few students who were taking a state test on the computers so the rest of the kids were allowed to be on their chromebooks she for one yells my name across the room like 2 or 3 times so I ignored her because that’s not how you  get someone’s attention. If they needed help they were supposed to stay at their seat and raise their hand. So she comes over to me and asks me to help her and I said NO. The reason being was because she wanted help on a game and if we help them on this game it makes it harder for them and beause she was yelling my name across the room. So then she goes back to the teacher and was like “Ms. Michelle won’t help me”. “Can you help me?” The teacher told her the student was still taking their test and only had like 4 questions left and after she could help her. So the girl goes off on one of her meltdowns yellling that no one ever helps her and how she is going to go get the boss man which was a sub principal because our regular principal was out for the day. So she literally leaves the room and comes back a few minutes later with the sub principal talking about neither one of them will help me. So he says he will leave a note for the principal about it and then she comes over to me and says “now you are going to get fired” So I want to say a few days later I get a email from the regular principal that she needs to speak with me after school. So I go down there and she’s like what happened with so and so and I told her she’s very disrespectful to me says what I mentioned up above. So she tells me that this student went home and told their mom that I don’t help them, that I ignore them or if I do say something it’s very short. The not helping part isn’t true because she only asked me that one time but the rest is true because why would I want to have a conversation with someone who is so rude to me any other time. So then the principal starts talking about how she is going to have me take this student into 5th grade for their morning meeting or some other time to help build a relationship with her. I’m already thinking that isn’t going to work because she won’t listen to me and she wants to be in 5th grade. We are in a self contained classroom. So after I leave work that day the principal emailed me and the teacher and said she needed to have a meeting with us in the morning. So next morning I go in and she tells me that spoke with the student’s mom and that mom was still frustrated with the situation so I’m not allowed to speak with her or have any contact. That is fine with me. The only time I would be allowed is if she is a harm to herself or others. I was very happy with that. So fast forward to this Wednesday. My former teacher says she needs to talk to me about something and to try to come to  her room sometime in the day. She ends up stopping by our room and the teacher just happened to need to go to the bathroom so she comes over and whispers to me that the teacher is going to be gone the next 2 days and she wasn’t going to tell me or the kids about it. I was a little ticked off. I understand why she didn’t want to tell the kids because there are a few who might start having some issues because of it but she could have at least emailed me and let me know. So Thursday comes. I usually go down and help get the kids off the buses but since I knew there was going to be a sub I stayed in the room to make sure everything was ready. So the kids come in except for the one student. I figured maybe she had issues coming off the bus after she found out the teacher wasn’t going to be there so she was with the former teacher or she had went with a BIS(behavior person). So the rest of the kids come in and I hand out the morning worksheets they get every morning. I happen to look over and see that one of the girls has her mask off and has a upset/sad look on her face so I ask her what’s wrong she says that she is upset that the teacher isn’t there and starts to cry. I ask her if she would like to go take a break in the hallway and she says yes so I let her go sit in the hallway. Maybe 10 minutes after that someone is banging on the door. One of the students named Nevaeh who this student does not get along with is nice enough to open the door for her. She comes in and says to Nevaeh “get out of my way Nevaeh I’m already pissed.” grabs our hall pass and leaves back out the door. At this time I’m the only adult in the room because our sub is also our crossing guard so he was on his way to the room. So when he gets in the room he tells me that the girl that was supposed to be in the hallway and the other one are walking around the school so I call the social worker who answers and lets her know the situation with the girls wandering around the school so she says ok and gets off the phone maybe 3 or 4 minutes later my former teacher who is the in school suspension teacher calls me and asks me to have a student bring down their chromebooks and some work because the principal says they are staying in there for the next 2 days. I’m relieved because then I don’t have to deal with the one. So a few minutes after that I get a call from the principal. She says what happened with so-so so I say she came in and told another student get out of my way I’m already pissed and the principal kinda yelled at me and was like don’t say pissed you are in front of kids and that she grabbed the pass and left. Then she asked what happened with the other student so I told her what happened with her. She then says that they came to her and said that we had a verbal argument and were yelling at each other. I was baffled and very pissed. I told her that never happened but unfortunately I didn’t have another adult in the room to verify my story just the kids. So the day went on the rest of the kids were excellent. The next morning when I come in I notice that papers that were in the Friday bin are missing so I get to work making new ones before the kids come in. A little bit after the kids arrive I get a call from the principal asking me to come down. I had written her a email Thursday night clarifying a few things from the supposed “incident” from the day before. So I go to her office and the first thing she says is the girls didn’t bad mouth you. I’m thinking in my head they lied on me and said something happened that didn’t how is that not bad mouthing me. She says that the other girl’s mom called her and was upset on how I spoke to her daughter(not the one I already had issues with). I’m thinking I’m not understanding how she could have a problem with that because I wasn’t rude to her, I didn’t yell at her, I wasn’t arguing with her. So my mind is blown by this time. So the principal starts talking about the papers in the bins asking which ones we used and she said that the teacher came in that morning and there was no papers in the bins for Thursday or Friday. Well Thursday they were used and I didn’t touch the ones in the Friday bin. So she kind of seems to be accusing me of doing something with the papers. In the past before the teacher started doing the bins she was out for a week with no pnuemonia. She didn’t have any lesson plans made or a sub tub made up so I had worksheets at home that I brought in so the kids would have something to do and she wasn’t happy about it when she found out so I’m thinking she told the principal that I brought in my own worksheets because the principal started talking about we are supposed to be doing what was in the bins and she wanted to know what happened to the papers. I told her the papers were there when I left Thursday night. Then the principal says I have had the most drama out of your guys room and its not the kids. I’m thinking I’m not the one causing the drama. Between kids lying on me and the teacher maybe trying to set me up. I was thinking that the girl I had issues with to begin with told the other one to lie and say these things because she’s hoping I would get fired since she did say that to me in the past. The other girl has told me that she is afraid to stand up to this girl but still why would you do that when you know it’s wrong. So we have almost 2 weeks left in this school year I’m just going to do my best to avoid both of them so they can’t have a chance to lie on me. I feel so betrayed and upset by this. I just want this school year to be over with.

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May 22, 2021

I’d be so ready for the year to end too if I were in your shoes. That’s alot to deal with. Keep your head up and just do what you’re suppose to to get through the last couple weeks. You got this!

June 10, 2021

@mamaqueenie518 thank you so much. I got a new entry about some crazy crap that happened today.