Catching Up

The class I’m not allowed to teach went well, so yay me! I have to teach another class I’m not supposed to teach tomorrow, which means my day starts an hour earlier than it should, boo! Hopefully at some point I’ll be able to go over materials for the classes I’m supposed to be teaching, but whatever, it’s not like my prep is tied to my evaluations. Oh, no, wait, it is. That’s awkward.

Saw Ember this weekend, it was Bean’s first birthday bash! This was the first time I saw him in person and he’s every bit as adorable as he looks on Facebook. The date with TreeSap went well. We were both really nervous, and we could both tell. The restaurant we went to has changed quite a bit since the last time either of us had been there, and we likely won’t be going back, but dinner was still fine. We saw the new Overboard and both liked it. I spotted a couple of Easter eggs, and the best no spoilers way of describing them is pay attention when people are asking if anything like this has happened before, and when there’s a cop on the phone pay attention to the name plate on his uniform, there are two gags going on there.

I worked in the yard some today. All of the peanut plants are showing themselves now and the corn is coming up as well. Next weekend I’ll probably start the zucchini in between the rows of corn and pull out the mulch. The weekend after that I’ll probably start the popcorn seeds inside and set up their raised bed in the yard to be ready for transplanting. All but two of my black bell pepper plants died and all of my purple bell peppers died. I’m a little annoyed, but with the weather being screwy like it was I guess I’m luck it didn’t all die off. I’m in hardiness zone 7 so I’ve still got time to replant and hope for the best so I did, but they’ll be an extremely late season harvest if they fruit at all. So far my green bell peppers and jalapeƱos are just sitting there not doing anything. After spraying the crap out of the North end of the yard (where all the brush is) with Round Up Poison Ivy + Tough Brush Killer last week I was annoyed that it was taking so long and drove the lawn tractor into the shorter stuff. I cleared out quite a bit. It was all dying already it just wasn’t completely dead. There’s some tougher stuff in the back I’ll hit with the rest of the bottle next weekend, then that’s it for me and RoundUp since I’m putting chickens and rabbits out that way next year. Yes, I know not to compost the clippings from things I’ve sprayed with RoundUp, those go in a different pile. And speaking of compost, I didn’t have the best pile going but as I’ve been adding fence panels in I noticed that it’s not actually in my yard, so I have to find another place to put it. Grrr.

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May 6, 2018

Bureaucracy at its finest. All messed up. You have sprouts! That is awesome!

May 7, 2018

Sounds coo peanuts woo!