Finally updated

Where to begin…

OK. I got my new laptop, so that’s cool. Been moving stuff over and getting everything set up the way I like it. I’m still trying to find a copy of OSX 10.4 to put on my desktop so I can keep everything synced.

My overnight stockers screwed me again, on the night before our new facility manager started, no less. I was seriously ill, and they were complaining about it to everyone that would listen. TreeSap took up for me though. One of the stockers asked her why I was so ill and she flat out told them “because you people didn’t do your damn jobs is why.” She’s so cool. One of the day shift people I used to manage heard them saying how I’d yelled at them and she asked them what they did. They looked at her like she was an idiot and she told them that she’d worked for me for a year and the only time I’d ever yelled at her was when she didn’t do her job. They got all huffy with her and walked off.

I found out where I’m going when I get put back on days: back to operations, which is right where I started out when I became a manager. I’ve got an e-mail off to the senior manager who made the assignments asking why, but I haven’t been back to work yet so I don’t know what their reasoning is. Mego is going back to the same area he came from as well, it’s a little weird.

I’m getting seriously pissed at TacoBoy. Ember has never been this stressed out over anyone or anything before and he’s just not acting like the boyfriend she deserves. Stinky goober head. I really hope they can get this straightened out because when he’s not being a goober head he makes her really happy. She knows she’s always got a room here if she needs or wants it but at the same time she doesn’t want to move back up here. I can understand; there isn’t really a lot going on up here.

Had lunch with Critter today. We had Mexican again, but at a different place. She paid for it, yay! She said she’s been meaning to take me to lunch since she got her tax refund but just kept forgetting. She got a new laptop earlier in the week. She’s wanted one with a DVD burner in it so she got one. Now she’s thinking she should have gotten a desktop but there weren’t any that were as inexpensive as the laptops and had keyboards and monitors included.

Didn’t have the kids at all this week, D & B’s dad had them yesterday and OtherGuy had K. He had all three of them today.

If we can find time when we’re both off and she can find someone to watch K she wants us to go down south of here to the city I trained in and visit their adult super store. I’ve always found those places to be entertaining, and she wants to buy some stuff so we get to spend time together, get her shopping done, and I get amused all at the same time. Cool. She said she went to that one once with OtherGuy but it felt kind of awkward.

I kind of mentioned it in passing earlier but we got our new facility manager this past Monday. I didn’t get to talk to him much. He was the first upper manager in on Tuesday morning and around 07:45 or so when he had not summoned us for the morning walk I tracked him down and asked him if he wanted me to stick around for the walk, or was there something he needed me to take care of before I went home. He said that I had already been there for twelve hours, why on earth would he want to keep me longer than that? I actually had one of the hourly managers stop me on my way out the door at 08:05 and asked if I had quit. I told him no, I was just going home. He replied with, “but you’re leaving on time, that’s just unheard of.” I just laughed and told him that not everyone has the same management style. I know I’m not going to keep my overnighters any longer than absolutely necessary once I’m a senior manager. I’ll get in at an appropriate time, walk the store with them alone, let them know what needs doing and tell them to get as much of it done before they go as possible and let me know what didn’t get done so day shift can handle it. I mean really, if we can’t get it done in twelve hours what the hell makes them think we can get it done if we stay over?

The next group of managers rotates to overnights starting Saturday, so no more alone days for me, and I think the store will look better too since there will be someone to split the store with during that last crucial half-hour when everything comes streaming to the back at the same time.

Gonna go now.

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