The Aftermath

Yeah, it wasn’t pretty.

I had two "Come to Jesus" talks with stockers that probably should have been officially reprimanded, and handed out one "this is your very last chance" reprimand. There’s another talk I need to have with another stocker but she was off Monday night.

The cool thing is after my hootin’ ‘n hollerin’ at the pre-shift meeting they scurried off to their areas and were just working their little hearts out. I figure that’ll last ten days, tops.

I get my almost new laptop tomorrow. In an effort to entice me to check on the cabin more than once a month my dad had it sent there. Whatever. I have to wash my whites anyway and I need to use their dryer. I can also check on the propane situation and make sure they delivered like they said they would.

Picked up K right after work Tuesday morning and D & B rode the bus over from school. Critter has a new manager and he’s screwing with her schedule and therefore her child-care arrangements. So yeah, by the time she got out of work I had been up for twenty-four hours and the kids were seriously workin’ my very last nerve. And it wasn’t them, it was me, I was just SO tired. For the first time since I’ve been watching them I called her right at the end of her shift to ask her to come get the m NOW please before I did (or more likely said) something I’d regret. It went to voice-mail, but she called me back in a few minutes and said she just had to buy enough groceries for dinner and she’d be right out.

As soon as she got here we got the kids into the car and then we talked for a few minutes before she left.

Then I went to sleep. Yay me!

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January 28, 2009

maybe you should just start hacking up employees on a regular basis, they each get a turn and the list rotates every few days so no one figures out whats going on!! Totally understand the kid thing…. imagine if they were high on top of all the rest….

January 29, 2009

You are a saint when it comes to the Critter situation.