God I’m Stressed

I still haven’t had a chance to read up on the shooting. FoxNews is playing the “gloomy music” and that’s all I’ve been able to get out of them since I sat down. I’m not being flip about the music, it’s just I really don’t think every major news event needs it’s own theme song.

I’m all legal and everything, my taxes have been mailed. I’m fixing my state withholding when I get to work tomorrow; I’m not paying them two hundred dollars again next year. I don’t know how that got screwed up. The federal return came out just right at me owing thirty or so dollars.

I’m having serious stress issues right now. I just found out that I might not be going to the store I thought I was going to. I might have to move. Last week, ten days ago to be exact, I was willing to move to Anchorage, AK if they asked, but they said I get to go to store X, which is close to my house, so I get to stay. I started adjusting to the fact that I’d get to stay. Now I find out, over the phone no less, that the PTB’s may have screwed up and I might have to move. That’s three of us out of sixteen. And to top it all off, there is a guy in the group that wants to go to the store they want to send me to, and lives just five miles away, but they want to move me across the damn state instead.

OK, so it seems like this thing at VT was yet another case of all the signs were there but nothing was done. A pathetic loser who couldn’t get the girl he wanted and apparently had a chip on his shoulder against the “rich kids” (is VT where the “rich kids” go in Virginia? Whatever) He was apparently directed to therapy because his creative writing projects were so disturbing, but I can’t determine from the coverage so far if he ever went.

Almost as many stories of heroism as tragedy. Professors and others putting their bodies between the lunatic and those in their charge. It’s that sort of thing that makes me think there’s hope for the world when things like this happen/

That’s all I’ve got.

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You stated it well. What a tragedy! I hope your taxes have been mailed, lol. Hugs my friend….

April 17, 2007

sorry to hear you may have to move. people are crazy!

RYN, That happened about 32 to 33 years ago. Not a fish eater at all, gag! Have a good one!

April 17, 2007

Well put. There are a lot of terrible people and terrible events in the world today, but there are also terrific, compassionate, courageous people to match. Hope things get better for you…STRESSED=DESSERTS spelled backwards. Coincidence? I think not!