Update in the middle of the night…

Amanda moved out last night. She’s not quite settled in at her new place but she wanted to go so she did. No big deal, but I was kind of getting used to having her around.

Apparently I’ve done something to cheese off Dirty Girl so she’s set her diary to "favorites only" and removed me from her favorites list. Whatever. She and Ember are having an argument over a note DG left me that probably should have been (and is now) private, but she left it out there for the whole world to see so what do you expect? Apparently DG’s part in the story of my life is now over by her request. I wish her well and hope she finds what she’s looking for.

Totally missed the news about the shooting, I’ll have to get caught up after work and decide what I think and what I want to express here.

Good night everyone.

Log in to write a note
April 16, 2007

Sounds like quite a fiasco. I didn’t see the note, at least. Not that that makes a difference. “cheese off”…that is a new one. I might have to use it sometime.

April 17, 2007

Wow…what problems a little note can cause.

April 17, 2007

Good luck with that situation!