I bet you thought I’d forgotten

Yeah, not so much, I’ve been kicking myself for not posting but I’ve been SO TIRED at home and doing homework on lunch so I just haven’t gotten to it.

I think I’m going to stop therapy shortly, I think we’ve reached a point of diminishing returns: I’m feeling better and she doesn’t ask as many questions or nudge the conversation as much as she used to. I did miss a day of work recently, but it’s not because I just didn’t feel like going, it’s because when the alarm went off to let me know it was time to wake up I’d already been up for twenty-six hours, so I decided I was going to call-in and see if I could get some sleep. I did, it was glorious. I was an hour late today, but that’s just because I overslept by a few minutes and decided “on more snooze” won’t hurt. That went very quickly from an expected fifteen minutes late to a whopping hour and a half. Oops.

Pulled all of K’s pictures and documents off the computer in the guest room and put them on a flash drive in case I ever run into her again. Not sure if I’ve mentioned that but she hasn’t talked to me regularly for almost three years now and just over two years ago Critter (her mom) stopped talking to me. No idea what, if anything, I did to cause that, and it hurts to think about but I’ve pretty much moved on now. I’ve deleted K’s and Critter’s access to my computers as well, but I won’t be changing the WiFi password because honestly there’s nothing sensitive connected to the segment of the network the WiFi gives them access to, and I don’t want it to be weird if they should happen to show up at some point.

Anyway, I was going to toss the computer (it’s a 2007 iMac) because it was out of date and monstrously slow, but I decided to install Ubuntu Linux on it and now it runs great. I mean it’s probably not going to be used for much more than web browsing and YouTube but it works again and it only cost eight bucks for an ethernet cable to let me download the WiFi drivers. Apparently Ubuntu doesn’t install with WiFi “out of the box” and you need to get the drivers from a repository or pay for physical media to be shipped to your house. Since the full install consists of about twelve DVD’s (or eighty CD’s) I decided to just buy the cable. So the upshot of it is it’s got a current and very secure OS running on it now. I may do the same for my old Mac mini that I’m using for my media server but I don’t have another HDD large enough to copy the media onto while I’m reformatting from AFS to the Linux file system.

I’ve got the next four days off, yay! I’m going to try to get some small projects done around the house and in the yard, nothing too fancy. There is a hole in my soffit on the back side of the house that needs to be fixed and I’ve got the materials I’m just not sure I can get to it on a ladder with my knees like they are right now.

I’ve decided I’m going to start working on my weight seriously now, to see how much that helps with my general well-being since that’s all my primary care doctor seems to see when I go in to the office, and I can sort of objectify the situation well enough to see her point. There’s no sense chasing zebras if there’s a Clydesdale standing in front of you. If I do lose a bunch of weight and it turns out I’ve got some weird never before diagnosed metabolic condition that gets named after me I’m going to be pissed though. 😆

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