James Callis and Sexting

But not at the same time…

James Callis is a phenomenally flexible actor. The only thing I’ve ever seen him in to this point is Battlestar Galactica, but the Numb3rs season finale was great. If I hadn’t known ahead of time I’d have never noticed it was him. Seriously.

And now for the sexting. Good Grief at the ado about nothing. Kids have been playing "I’ll show you mine if you show me yours" since we (humans) started making kids wear clothes. If a thirteen year old takes a topless picture of herself and sends it to her thirteen year old boyfriend I’m not really concerned. Even if it’s *my* thirteen year old. At least they aren’t in her room, his room, or in the woods somewhere where things can get out of hand. Yes, I would discourage the behavior, but I don’t think that the boy in question should be arrested for possession of child pornography. Even the mother of the girl for whom "Megan’s Law", the common name for child porn laws, is named thinks this is a waste of resources.

I think the real question should be why do these kids have unrestricted cell phones? It only takes a phone call from the account owner (hopefully one of the parents) to block SMS, MMS, or both from going out over the network. The kid can take the picture and try to send it but the network will reject it. Oh, but that would mean the parents would have to be involved in their kids’ lives, or God forbid setting limits and boundaries. What was I thinking? My two older nephews have cell phones (most of the time, they tend to lose them) but my sister keeps track of who they call and when and everything else the phone logs.

And yes, even if it was B I wouldn’t be wanting the kid she sent the pics to (as long as it was really a kid) arrested and prosecuted. I’d just take her phone away for a bit and then tell the phone company to block MMS service to and from the number and that’d be that. Of course she’s only eight and there’s probably not a lot to take a picture of but still, you know what I mean.

People need to take a step back and calm down and think.

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May 17, 2009

I agree with you I think that being arrested and prosecuted is a tad ridiculous! And yes I think that the parents need to be checking up on their kids! Kids today grow up so fast they need to be checked up on at times

May 18, 2009

i agree! this is as bad as how in australia, the govt wants to censor EVERYONE’S internet to ‘protect our kids from the evil paedophiles’, never mind that almost all the websites they want to block are definitely not anything to do with child pornography. why don’t parents pull the finger out and actually supervise what their kids do on the net and teach them how to be safe on there?

May 18, 2009

rather than the govt deciding they’re going to interfere with what the entire nation views on the internet, and basically saying that anyone who disagrees is ‘for the paedophiles’.

May 19, 2009

Definitely agree, granted I think the girls shouldn’t be concerned about their boyfriends seeing the pictures, but all the other boys he’s going to show the picture to.