Ruh-Roh Raggy! *Edit*

Well, work has well and truly screwed me again. Since I haven’t told the involved parties I’m going to post this as private for now so I can get it down, but I’ll unmask it once everyone is in the loop.

My days off changed again. So I have to change the date for my date. Dammit. We’ve been getting on rather well too. Spontaneous texting and all that. Random conversations. It’s all good. I’m not worried about not getting to go on the date eventually I’m just worried about how long it’ll have to be postponed. Grrrrr.

I’ve got K right now (1034) and I’ll be getting D & B when they get out of school. Rather they’ll be riding the bus over here. Critter’s schedule at work changed and she didn’t notice it until Sunday night. Oops! Silly lady, it’s been up for almost four weeks. Oh well. Like I’ve said before K is always a little angel for me. Right now she’s coloring (and I use the term loosely) and running back and forth from her spot on the floor to the desk to show me her latest effort. She’s also making strange noises that may be words in some language, but I’m fairly certain it isn’t American English. Critter and I discussed it while she was getting ready to leave and we wonder if it isn’t the language of the Moogles. Critter has always wanted a Moogle tattoo, so this would be the perfect excuse to get one and put K’s name underneath it. I told her I’d want to see it when she got it so be careful where she put it.

I’m kind of tired, since I’ve been up all night.

Oh my god, I totally spaced on the text conversation I was having with my date last night. I had a pop-up meeting with an employee that turned into a series of reprimands being handed out and I just totally forgot to get back with her. Uh-oh. We haven’t even been on our first date yet and I’m already screwing up. Great. I’ll see if I can’t get K to go back to the bedroom with me so I can take a nap and I’ll know there’s nothing in there that she can hurt herself with unless she gets really creative. Of course I’ll probably be so nervous about it I won’t be able to sleep.

I’ll be back.


After spending the better part of the day with her I think whatever language K is speaking is closer to Ewok than Moogle.

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