Sort of snowed in again

We got near-record snowfall at my place again. The most accumulation since the Blizzard of ’93, or so they say. There were Walmarts that closed. Seriously, it was that bad. I’ve never heard of a twenty-four hour Walmart being closed before except on Christmas. Freaky.

I really want to write but I’m not really in the mood.

I fired a girl last week and the vitriol that spewed forth on facebook was incredible. There are probably three or four people that are going to get written up for their comments, if not outright terminated. I’m not part of the investigation thought, that could make it seem like retaliation.

I have a guy out with the freaking DT’s. Who knew? Always showed up for work on time, never any productivity or performance problems, but he’s been downing a bottle a day of Jack for the past who knows how long. Until he just decided to stop, cold turkey, hence the DT’s. Glad he’s stopped, but it might have been a better idea to seek treatment *before* the seizures started. Our insurance has an excellent addiction recovery package included.

Managed to get to the top of the hill, about six tenths of a mile away, to park. The chains worked well for me. I’m going to leave them on until I get to the highway tomorrow morning, then take ’em off for the rest of the ride to work. Hopefully I won’t need them by the time I get home.

That’s all for now.

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January 11, 2011

stay safe sugar, and keep warm. here, we have had no snow at all, only rain. the weather is a weird and wonderful beast.