Worn Out

I am so tired.

I guess it comes from my twenty hour day yesterday and today I’ve been up for fifteen already. I actually slept pretty well last night. I had to get up a couple of times but I’m pretty sure it was because the pillows had shifted and my head was directly on the arm of the futon. Even folded up Ember’s futon is comfy.

I got offered the job at the new store but turned it down. Probably not a lot of people happy with me right now. Visited the store near Ember’s house, the one I tried to transfer to, and I’m glad I didn’t get it now. That store is a mess, I’d have gone freakin’ nuts trying to get it where it needs to be and I don’t know that I could have done it at all. It’s obvious the Facility Manager and Senior Manager don’t care or it wouldn’t look like that to begin with. Just the floor was a disaster, don’t even get me started on the employees and the facing and fronting. It didn’t even really look like one of our stores. It was that bad.

I was going to stay up and watch the season finale of Numb3rs but I’m just too tired. I think I’m going to crawl into bed and let sleep overtake me at its own pace tonight.

Got to pop over to MySpace real quick but then I’m off to bed…

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May 16, 2009

sleep tight

May 16, 2009

Rest up!!