
Ember, Amber and Bun are coming up for a doctor visit and to run around town some. They’ll be staying over with me tonight, I’ve put sheets and blankets for them on the guest bed and i’ve changed the sheets on mine so they’ll only have been slept on the one time (this morning) so they’ll be all fresh in case Ember and Amber aren’t feeling all cuddly (the guest bed is only a queen size).

So anyway, that isn’t what rates the "Wow" title. I saw on the company intranet this morning a job posting for a senior manager at a medium-volume store that’s fifty thousand square feet smaller than mine down around Savannah. Some of my classmates have been telling me I needed to start putting in for senior manager jobs, but I’ve got this nagging self-doubt thing going on. No idea where I got it, and I’m sure Queeg’s treatment of us hasn’t helped it any, but it’s there, and it’s probably held me back from trying new things or moving up on more than one occasion. I needed an opinion from someone who has seen me work and is in a position to give me an honest evaluation. So I talked to the senior manager who’s been with us the longest, and after thinking about it for a few seconds, he said to go ahead and put in for it. Oh yeah.

That’s not to say I’ll even get an interview, but it does me a whole lot of good to have him tell me to go ahead and put in for it.

Senior Manager ToyMan. Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?

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December 4, 2008

Swell! Senior Manager ToyMan! But that means you won’t be a ToyMan anymore, right? You’ll have to know more about a lot of other things.

December 4, 2008

It sure does have a nice ring. You should go for it! What have you got to lose? If they say no you’ll still be where you are? Ryn, oh he knows.. he is paralyzed by it, methinks.