You’re so silly…

Sorry, I couldn’t cram this into a note and didn’t want to leave twelve of them on your entry.

I’m not treating you any differently than you deserve to be treated. You are a beautiful person. You’ve made some bad choices; we’ve discussed that. You’ve also had a rough start in life; we’ve discussed that too. You’ve answered my questions, and there is the one you’ll have to answer one more time when I can look into your eyes while you answer it, but I don’t think that’s going to really be an issue.

I don’t (and can’t) hate you for this. While you do have some responsibility for what happened I really think the bulk of it lies with him. He’s shown himself to be unworthy of trust or respect, and he’ll never be able to win that back from me, not that he’s made any effort to try. He violated his wedding vows, company policy, and the rules of common decency, but if what you have with him is really more substantial than what you have with me then that’s fine. If that’s the case then you handled it wrong and I’m upset, but I’m a big boy and I’ll get over it.

I’m leaning toward the “he’s using you” theory, but I don’t know the whole story and I’m a little biased anyway.

Like I said, I’ll go with whatever you decide, and if it’s over I wish it could have ended differently and there will be times/days when I don’t like you very much but we’ll get through it.

I don’t know what it could have been that scared you, but that’s what partners are for, to talk about these things with, and to just lie there and hold you when words fail. That’s what a real relationship is like: you’re there for the scary parts as well as the tingly sweaty parts.

Let me know what you decide to do.

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Ummmmm not saying anything…. yeegads! But I will say this, try to have a nice evening! Hugs and smiles………

Inexperience, youthfulness go hand in hand. Although some people never learn! Hugs sweetie…

February 12, 2007

RYN: That class is like MSU 101 (the introduction to college thing) that all freshies have to take. But apparently craming it in again will make us learn better and study better. All it makes me want to do is punch someone in the face. I messed up…I don’t need someone to remind me of it every other day.

Dude this sucks big time!!! Yeah it was the “LARGE” couple on Dr. P that had the overwieght child. They fed him Ding Dongs’s and chocolate milk and said his weight might be something medical!!!!! Oh puuuuuuuuuuullllllleeeeze

February 14, 2007

RYN~~LOL, thanks! I’m going to use that quip sometime.

Happy Valentines Day from me to you!

February 15, 2007

well guess i know that out come…. ahhh the benifits of living in the same town and working at the same place