
 I DONT DRIVE! yup, thats right. i’m a 30 year old man living on my own and i dont drive. never have. idk if i ever will. right now i am ok with that fact. my only problem is that i think it turns women off. but i’m of the mind that if its enough to keep you from giving me a chance than we’re not meant to be. because if your into me, my not driving should not "drive" you away. 

i know your wondering, so let me try my best to explain. i have a slight phobia. i say its slight because i can and have been behind the wheel. my phobia use to be a lot worse. i would shake behind the wheel and couldnt stop shaking. now i have driven and can even parallel park. i just struggle going fast (over 30-35 mph). but its something i am working on slowly. my psych professor told me its normal and lots of people avoid highways and going over a certain speed. No, i do not have a clear reason for what caused my phobia. we have some ideas, but nothing definite. 

i know it limits me in many ways. but it also has it benefits. i ha no car payment, no insurance payment, and gas prices dont affect me. also there are plenty of cities that pride themselves on their public transit system and how bike/walk friendly they are. so maybe i’ll end up in one of these cities. idk.. 

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December 8, 2012

Personally, I see nothing wrong with the fact that you don’t drive. Then again, I’ve always lived in cities and suburbs that have good public transportation. This country desperately needs more trains and light rail systems, though. Europe really does have the right idea, as does much of the rest of the modern world.

December 8, 2012

Cars are bad. I only drive when I have to.

December 8, 2012

RYN: I adore the West Coast. Honestly, if I lived anywhere else it would be in Europe. 🙂 I was born in Pittsburgh, PA. Most of my extended family lives out there. I love my family and Pittsburgh’s alright, but after three or four days I start longing to come back to the Northwest. The “Left Coast” makes me feel that I’m free to be myself and even if people don’t agree with me, they’ll accept me.