The CEO of Hot Mess Inc.

I’m hobbling home with a mysterious bruise a week from healing, high heels a tad too big hooked on too-long Aruba Blue fingernails, an all-wrong outfit draped about the frame and no less than two kinds of dinner and desserts down the dining hole with some new story ideas—As per usual—and though I’ve long lacked the confidence and organization to take it to the next step, I’m rounding the corner of a-has every few hours these days. Change is afoot!

It’s about perfectionism—This resistance against getting leveling up in a typical fashion—I’d told a PhD in pharmacology so over breakfast this morning after we got off the air as I am somehow in my fifth year of doing my own radio show and quite close to hiring my first intern because. Well. It is time.

He has spent his life hiding in academia and while I’d initially been innocently envious of that as another intellect who who would have found much comfort in living that way, I realized, for the very first time, how I’d done myself a great service to spend some years hiding in plain sight kissing rock stars and working far too many jobs. We talked about exercise, epigenetics, stress, dissertations, oenology and Lyme disease. You know. Normal stuff.

I’m too tired to tell you the rest.

About the book.

About the Supreme Court judge suggesting I go to law school at his retirement party (before Dad shot it down a la “Pipe Dream.”)

About sitting next to Elaine, who asked if I had some “sister” in me because she “could tell” (I’d said, “I drink my coffee black or I take it back”) who said of extramarital crushes “I can window shop; I just can’t buy,” and of ladies she doesn’t dig, “You’re just not my cup of tea; I want coffee.” God, I dug her!

She also casually inserted the term “boo boo” into a conversation with such skill I ‘literally couldn’t even.’

Once upon a never never
land the wreckage one wing at a
timed drill

I found you and your elbow pads smoking the cigarette I’d turned down a half hour earlier
specifically so I wouldn’t smell of smoke around your family and you blamed it on living in
Europe because, well, how perfect is that excuse? I said I would see you tomorrow when you
visit me at the waterfront restaurant where I work far too many miles from where I live and


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