A cute naptime story

BabyBoy always gives me a difficult time napping. I actually did a really good job sleep training once he was born, and he’s great at bedtime. But we go out so much that it feels impossible to keep a consistent nap schedule.

I’ve always had to rock him or push him in the stroller to get him to take his naps. But the last couple of days he’s figured out the nap thing all on his own and when it’s time for a nap I can put him down with his bottle and he’ll fall asleep all by himself. It’s really nice because it takes less time and stress but also made me sad because he’s growing up.

I spent the day at my parents’ house today and for his nap, he went to sleep completely on his own. For his second nap, he was super tired and I was laying in bed next to him. He would fall asleep but then open his eyes and look at me, then close them, then open them again. All of a sudden, he pulled himself up and leaned over, falling on me as he tried to reach his face to mine, and gave me a big sloppy kiss on my arm (he just leaned how to give kisses). It was the sweetest thing and I immediately scooped him up and put him on my chest and he had the biggest smile on his face as he cuddled with me. I love my baby boy so much!!!!

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May 25, 2023

Awwww, what a gift he is to you!  And there’s nothing but nothing better than baby kisses.