My Crazy Life

So…….I forgot about OD being back up and running.  It’s been pretty crazy in my world lately and I simply forgot all about it.  It’s funny, I always feel like I have so much to say and then I sit down and nothing….giant void!  Everyone in my house except me has been sick lately.  People talk about the flu shot not working but i’m the only one I know, literally who hasn’t had it yet.  So either my immune system has improved like crazy or the flu shot is working for me.  

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about whether or not I want to stay where i’m at….the job, the house or even the state.  You see, next year my only child at home will graduate from high school and be going off to college.  That means I can resume my nomadic lifestyle without feeling guilty.  At least that’s what I keep telling myself.  I also realize that there’s a part of me that just wants to run away.  Just go somewhere and start over again.  I think we all go through that but it’s been a haunting tune in the back of my brain every since Liz passed away.  I’m not running from that, it’s been hard but i’m actually handling her loss quite well.  I think it just kicked me into a gear that made me want to wander again.  I moved every year without fail when my girls were little.  Until Megan was in the 5th grade she went to a new school every year. With Liz having special needs it was much harder and I needed to stay where I was so she could get the specialized care she needed.  We still traveled during the summer but stayed close to a military base in case of medical needs.  

I have several places in mind….I love New Mexico and would love to visit Red River again.  Megan wants me to come live in her area in upstate NY.  I’ve always wanted to go to Chicago or upper Michigan.  If I go anywhere it would probably be to NY to be close to Megan.  We haven’t lived close to each other in over 10 years.  I have many friends there also so it seems like it would be a good fit.  Just speculation right now but it sounds fun.  Luckily I work for a worldwide company so I should be able to transfer.  We shall see.

Ok, things to do…people to see!  


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