A dilemma…

My dilemma is this… I have a bf who really loves me, and I love him too…. but the feeling is not as mutual as it he would like it to be. Now I have developed a crush on an old friend… who lives in Huntsville now, but he is moving back to Newmarket. Now, the feelings Justin and I have for each other are stronger than mine and Rick (the bf)’s. What do I do?????? I love Rick but I love Justin.

Good grief.

I want my sister to get me Bravely Second… or Bravely Default. I am in love with BS.


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July 7, 2018

Just stumbled on to this.  If you really love your boyfriend in the way that you need to love him to be in a healthy long-term relationship, you wouldn’t be developing feelings for other men.  Being in love with someone is not passive.  You have to be committed to it.
It’s been my experience that if you allow your heart and mind to run wild with these feelings for your friend, you will begin to find more and more faults with your boyfriend, and slowly pick him apart.  It will be ugly and painful.
So my suggestion is to either cut ties with the friend and work on your current relationship; or have enough respect for your boyfriend, to end it cleanly before starting something else.

I hope this doesn’t sound judgmental because I don’t mean it to be.  I’m speaking from experience.  I hope you find peace with whatever you decide to do.

@oniongirl Thanks for the frank advice! 😀 Um… the thing is, he is constantly being bugged by his ex of 11 years and his ex wife. Rick says that he will get them off his back but, my friend Chrissy who is a mutual friend of Rick and I, says that Rick is an ass. 😮

July 7, 2018

@weebee only you can decide what is best for you.  But whether you stay with Rick or go with the new guy, you’ll feel much better about yourself if you finish one before starting the other.
Interesting coincidence.  My diary began mostly as my attempt to get past a man who broke my heart.  His name is Rick.  He’s an ass, too. 😉

@oniongirl omg. i am now going after justin bc of ricks bs w his ex terri-lynn.

July 10, 2018

@weebee Good.  I hope you find what you’re looking for.

@oniongirl He phoned me today. I was over the moon!