Final Thoughts for a time….

There comes a time in all our lives I think, where we put behind us certain things that have allowed us to become who and what we are at this very moment. It is not that we forget, it is more, I think, that we have learned what needed to be and are ready to move forward. Some journey’s are longer than others; some are taken painstakingly slow lest we forget.

We choose our paths for the most part. But I believe too, that in some aspects, fate also plays a role. Destiny perhaps as well insomuch that we twine ourselves about the other, taking root, and drink of the nurturing that has been gifted to us by the other.

Through highs and lows I have always been a survivor. Most of us are, and as such, we leave behind not a past that is to be forgotten, but a past that is to be remembered and kept sacred to us. A past that is to be looked upon from time to time as yet another lesson taught in a different manner is brought to light before us.

I term that as a rebirth.

And I, have been reborn.

I leave this diary until the end of the year, at which time I will be removing it. However, due to a rebirth, so too have I begun another journey. The same path perhaps, but a path that has become more enlightened to me.

It is my wish and my prayer that those that stopped by and took those few moments to read these words that come from my heart, went away thinking. Feeling. Absorbing. It is my wish and my prayer that the words read also allowed you to draw your own conclusions to what was being sung to you, not by my own interpretation.

It is my wish and my prayer, that your own paths be sweet and enlightening as my own have been.

With much love and warmest thoughts to you all,



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As you were posting this, here I was just reading back through some of the past few years, reflecting, reviewing some of what I’ve learned and considering the rebirth and rejoining of my whole soul and healing that I’ve expereienced, nurtured, and begun to build upon. I am sad in a way and will miss you, yet I also understand and I’m happy for you being happy and moving onto the next goodness.

Thanks much for leaving it until the end of the year, as I am doing my end of year reflecting, inventory, sorting and settling and I appreciate re-reading some of the learning and healing and growing entries and notes here before the moving on. If you ever wish to keep in touch, please do. No matter what, go with much thanks and love and wishes of lots of beautiful life for you.

Your writing and way of living and being you is beautiful and good. Thank you so very much for sharing all that you have. I hope you continue to find all the joy and fulfillment in life that is yours to live. You have a lovely gift and use it well. May your whole life be as glorious as your gorgeous diary. Your soul is rich and a strong light of joy. (((((((Whimsical))))))) Love,

December 21, 2004

Fly high and well and true, Ms. Whimsical. All the best to you, now and always.

If you want to, I would appreciate it if you let me know if I am welcome at your new diary, otherwise I will guess you would rather I did not visit. Thanks much for everything, Whimsical : ) Hope you have wonderful holidays! Love,

Sharing your journey so generously always the highlight of my days. One I feel privileged to be part of. You made me think more deeply about what really matters in life. We had fun and laughter too. I never read your diary without being awed by the beauty of your spirit. Endings tend to be sad, this is not an end, it’s a new beginning, a life lived rather gloriously

I’m going to miss this diary and you are the diary. As you go forth, my heartfelt thanks to you sweet Whimsical. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Always wishing the best for you. With love and admiration.

Sweet Whimsical I heard your songs, making my own interpretations. Enthralled by your writing and so appreciative of your presence here. Thank you for the zing and for being you šŸ˜‰ Wishing you a beautiful year ahead. Bon voyage. Much love and warmest hugs

You seem to be very far away. I can’t find you. Perhaps you don’t want to be found? That’s okay, sometimes we need that. In my thoughts sweet Whimsical

Hello sweet one. I have you on my diary favorites list. Just you and Kalestra. It’s set to favorites only. was my private diary. I’m rather exclusive about who can view that one. Hope all is well? Warm Hugs

I’ve been lingering with And If… again! An awesome poem. If I could write with the feelings you can express so well, sweet one, I would be a much better writer. I like the selection on the web site. Your writing tells me much about the inner you. An artist for sure who paints with words. Glad you kept this diary open. You are in my thoughts. Warmest Hugs

Jeepers! Sweet one, that wysiwyg is a pain in the aspidistra. It leaps all over the place. You will just have to resign yourself to the lack of paragraph spacing until I find a spell that will sort it out. Now I’m going to be up late in the Magicians library. 10,000 dusty old books. Where do I begin?

Hope you’re okay? I’m worried about you, sweet Whimsical. Please just send a hello. I don’t know if your alive or what. Sweet Dreams

Jeepers! All that advertising was sending me loopy. This diary is too special to be floating around with the pheasants šŸ˜‰ Warmest Hugs woman of many talents