Book review: The Passage

Title: The Passage
Author: Justin Cronin

The word epic is bandied around a lot. Films are epic, journeys are epic, sports events are epic.

The problem with all this is that when something deserves to be described that way, it seems like hyperbole.

Which is my way of saying that The Passage truly is an epic book.

Starting out roughly our era and spanning many, many years this first part of a trilogy impressed me with the sheer scale and ambition shown. This is the first part of a trilogy but could very easily be split into two books of it’s own. Even at it’s mammoth length the pacing is quick and left me wanting more.

While all this may be true, it is obvious that Cronin remembered the immortal words scrawled on a whiteboard by Ronald D Moore: It’s The Characters, Stupid! Although it has quite a lengthy cast list every character is one that you can get behind and care about. Everything they do has a purpose and meaning, something that is sadly lacking in a lot of books nowadays.

It’s as obvious why Ridley Scott has optioned this book for a film as it is hard to work out how it’s going to work on the big screen. I haven’t said much about the book itself as I don’t want to spoil it for everyone.

When this book is released run, don’t walk, don’t boogie but RUN to your local bookstore and get yourself a copy of what I can confidently say will end up being my favourite book of the year.



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March 10, 2010

RYN: Yeah and right on the stairwell!

March 10, 2010

RYN: Yeah and right on the stairwell!

March 10, 2010

RYN: Yeah and right on the stairwell!

March 10, 2010

RYN: Yeah and right on the stairwell!

March 10, 2010

The over-use of ‘epic’ today (and I’m guilty of it too) reminds me of the over-use of ‘awesome’ in the 80’s. Now, when something truly IS awesome, describing it as such seems like a bit of a let-down. *shrugs* ~Shady

March 10, 2010

The over-use of ‘epic’ today (and I’m guilty of it too) reminds me of the over-use of ‘awesome’ in the 80’s. Now, when something truly IS awesome, describing it as such seems like a bit of a let-down. *shrugs* ~Shady

March 10, 2010

The over-use of ‘epic’ today (and I’m guilty of it too) reminds me of the over-use of ‘awesome’ in the 80’s. Now, when something truly IS awesome, describing it as such seems like a bit of a let-down. *shrugs* ~Shady

March 10, 2010

The over-use of ‘epic’ today (and I’m guilty of it too) reminds me of the over-use of ‘awesome’ in the 80’s. Now, when something truly IS awesome, describing it as such seems like a bit of a let-down. *shrugs* ~Shady

March 10, 2010

Oooh, persuasive review. £15 on Amazon though, and I just bought Final Fantasy 13, so it is going to have to wait.

March 10, 2010

Oooh, persuasive review. £15 on Amazon though, and I just bought Final Fantasy 13, so it is going to have to wait.

March 10, 2010

Oooh, persuasive review. £15 on Amazon though, and I just bought Final Fantasy 13, so it is going to have to wait.

March 10, 2010

Oooh, persuasive review. £15 on Amazon though, and I just bought Final Fantasy 13, so it is going to have to wait.